Back On Track Together
on 12/15/16 5:15 am
Today is typically my day off but I was offered 6 hours to fill in for a co-worker who has to leave early for a Christmas party. I'll take it. Not only extra $ (who couldn't use that this time of the year) but keeps me busy and we all know the issue's I have with getting bored! Plus on a sad note, it will keep my mind off some sadness going on right now. A special needs dog I foster is having some real health issue's and we find out tomorrow if it is treatable or not . Keeping me extra busy right now helps keep my mind from obsessing over the thoughts of him and how tomorrow may end up! So for today, I am thankful for the extra money, keeping my hands busy and for one more day spent with him!
BTW: made hubbies cookies yesterday and didn't even sample a one! And wasn't even tempted.