Back On Track Together

July 13

on 7/13/16 2:32 am, edited 7/13/16 4:25 pm

Good morning botts:

3 guests flew out today.  4 more are flying out on Friday.  I am struggling to not eat leftovers other than the grilled chicken.  I sent the beer home with other friends.  I still have 1/3 apple pie, but I am saving it for guests tomorrow.  It was so much fun seeing old friends.  I re-lost 2 lbs. today (204) Have a great day.  Tri 

My food plan today (changed from this morning):

B: coffee 

S: Zero Greek yogurt and clementines 200

L: chicken and 1 cup mayonnaise potato salad (leftover from guests) 500

S: Slimfast chips 100

D: chicken, my veggie soup, thin crust pizza slice (more leftovers from guests) 450

S: Slimfast chips 100

