Back On Track Together
Please forgive me? how many times?
Hi BOTT, Life has taken over, as it always does.
Good news is that I have shed a few pounds. I've also been taking my new regiment of Vit-D supplement for several weeks now, and I like to think it's working?? Physically feeling better, just a little. I am so happy about that. (aches & pains? are getting less & less.?
Doing so-so with food, but can always do better.
with my new job, comes lots of responsibility, so I may be popping in and out from time to time, but I will always come back to OH I promise that much.
As they say it's all good.
Chat soon.
Peace & Love,
Good news is that I have shed a few pounds. I've also been taking my new regiment of Vit-D supplement for several weeks now, and I like to think it's working?? Physically feeling better, just a little. I am so happy about that. (aches & pains? are getting less & less.?
Doing so-so with food, but can always do better.
with my new job, comes lots of responsibility, so I may be popping in and out from time to time, but I will always come back to OH I promise that much.
As they say it's all good.
Chat soon.
Peace & Love,