Back On Track Together
Lost and discouraged
I did really well after my VSG in Dec 2008 until my gall bladder decided not to play nice. I thew up almost after every meal for about 9 months before I finally got approval via emergency to have it removed. Tricare is super slow about approving anything and our PCS orders moving us out of state did't help. I then had a hysterectomy 4 months later. After both surgeries we bought a house and my husband moved my inlaws in with us. They brought with them an unruly 3 year old. My anxiety was so bad they put me on Effexor for about 6 months. Then one day I decided to step on the scale because my clothes didn't fit. I gained over 30lbs...gasp...I immediately stopped the Effexor since I don't know if it was one of the surgeries or the Effexor. Either way I'm sure my new eating habits from having my extremely unsupportive inlaws living with us didn't help. They fry nearly everything, slather everything with gravy or mayo and always tons of desserts on the counter. I have NO self discipline. Its my own fault and I'm angry with myself for allowing it. I also have a hiatal hernia to which the doctors tell me to eat crackers. So that happened. I then got to the point where this Feb, a year after my hysterectomy I passed out 3 times in one weekend. 1 of those times requiring stitches. They referred me to cardio and neurology, both cleared me. So I'm fighting tricare again to find me a dr that can/will see me for follow up care to run my labs and help me get back on track. Tricare won't pay for a nutritionist. They sent me to a Surgeon that is advertised here on OH but they wanted $500 upfront to join their "program". A fee not covered by my insurance who has told me this fee is illegal as they are contracted and approved for tricare. I should only be paying the $12 copay. I've been trying to find a doctor since we got here. My PCM doesn't have the first clue about WLS so she doesn't know what labs to run or what to tell me. I have to constantly remind her that I can't take this or that. I do know from what little bit of labs that have been run I am Vit D deficient so she did write me a script for that. And as if that isn't enough, I have an ugly confession to make about my vitamins. Its been 2 years since I have taken any. GASP! I know. I'm horrible. My inlaws moved out this past weekend so I'm ready for change but I can't remember much about working the program as I have been off program for so long. I spend the last few days researching what vitamins I need to be taking. So far what I've come up with is:
1x GNC Ultra Mega
2x Equate Calcium Citrate +D3
1x B-12 2500mcg
***1x 50,000units VIT D2*** Perscription
1x Iron
1xVitamin C
1x GNC Ultra Mega
2x Equate Calcium Citrate +D3
1x Biotin 6000 MCG
I just started taking these last night. I haven't had any soda today (yes, I've become dependent on DR. Pepper AGAIN!!!) but I have had 3 cups of coffee to help with the headaches. I did start a MFP account and have started journaling my food but am unsure at this point what my goals should be to get back on track. I've read lots posts but a lot are contradicting and I'm not sure if its because it varies by WLS or what. I've also read that protein shakes are not good this far out and then in the next post I read it is acceptable. I'm don't yet know if I'm interested in any of the jumpstarts or pouch tests as I'm not sure a quick fix is the answer or right for me. I think what I really need is a swift kick in the butt. So if you have read this far and didn't pass out from all the eye rolling, thank you and please don't kick me too hard.
VSG 12/08/08
RNY 11/09/20
WOW!!! I can't believe you only gained 30 lbs....seriously!!! I know you need a multivitamin. Other people can help you with supplements better than me. I know we should eat protein first. I don't do that because I never fill up and so I get more than I need throughout the day. I like Greek yogurt, any meats or fish, cheese, nuts etc. They all agree with me so I get plenty of protein.
Now that you have control of your house again, please go through it and donate or throw away anything that has more than 5 grams of sugar or unhealthy fat per serving. When you are hungry eat healthy food.
I had friends stay over for several of the past weekends. They brought their junk food with them and it drove me crazy. When they left, I sent it home with them.
Living in the conditions you have been living and only putting on 30 lbs. is wonderful. I bet losing the stress and eating healthy will get you back to your goal weight quickly.
Can having a hernia repaired the same time as a tummy tuck save money? After my hysterectomy I learned that a tt at the same time would have saved money...who knew!
Good luck and take care, Tri
Thank you, I tried really hard to make good choices over the last year for breakfast and lunch so I'm sure that helped. It was the dinners and after dinner snacks/treats that hurt me as we all ate together in the evening. Hubby has even put on some weight but I'm sure he will loose it pretty quick as he begins to eat healthy again.
I've already been through the pantry and taken care of tossing everything I could. I won't be able to do any major grocery shopping until hubby gets paid on Thursday so I kept the healthier choices and will purge again next week. I've tried to like greek yogurt but can't get past the texture. Its too thick and my brain won't allow me to eat it without gagging. I will head to the store today to pick up a few things just for me to get by until Thursday.
I'm not sure about the saving money part. I had a tummy tuck about 4 years ago. I had it done on base and you know the saying you get what you pay for??? Lets just say I need a revision as one side has a very noticeable bulge.
VSG 12/08/08
RNY 11/09/20
You should be thankful that is all that you have gained.
With that said i want to say. Congratulations.
Congratulations because you have made the 1st step. You have made the step to get on track.
I only take a multi vitamin and just started that 2 months ago. I didnt take one for 6 years. Everyone has their own views on that subject. If you are like me i was eating plenty during my weight gain. And almost everyone has a low vit d and b 12. Maybe an extra calcium and iron if you dont eat enough. Remember dont take them together. Good luck sweetie and welcome.
WE can all do this! We are here for each other, for moral support, crying, whining & moaning!! We know what to do! we've all done it before, right, so Try just a little harder, make a honest effort, and we will See results of wl once again. And I can't wait. Slow loss this what 50th time around? lol......
I have no patience what so ever. I want wl NOW!!
You are doing great w/ beg. your vits' again. A lot of us have done that, & it may be my downfall right now, not keeping up with my calcium & Vit suppl .? The Blood had been drawn, so let's see, where did I go wrong, so I can make it right again.
Keep us posted. I have severe chronic pain? achy joints & bones? mussles? I don't even know yet? but whew!! I can barely walk some days, but now I want to get to the root of my physical pain, because it's gotten to be unbearable. I have been living w/this pain for YRS. now. ? why ? I can't tell u?

Thank you for being here! & Thank You