Back On Track Together
My Great Epiphany! Now I really "Understand it "
My Great Epiphany! Now I really "Understand it "
What I have discovered in and throughout my journey! I am not totally shocked but it all makes sense Now!!
"Epiphany" a moment in which you suddenly see or "understand" something in a new or clearer way!"
I went back and read some old posts, all the way from the beginning of my journey, (2007). And over the years as life happened, & life altering changes occurred, having a child & so forth. My downfall was always falling off track, with "Exercise" now I don't love it, some do, but I know it has be done, but even then, it was a major, major challenge & major pit fall for me to stick to and do it. I remember at one of my weigh ins I so disappointed because I was trying to get out of the 300lb. range and I was still there, as I remember at 301 & then after that I got my exercise on big time, and when I came back to weigh in again at the docs office, I was 280lbs. so I of course stepped up my game, I am not sure of the time frame in between, my visits w/ the doc, but my doc was happy with my general and gradual healthy weight loss. I also remembered I had surgery in March, & by November I had lost my first 100lbs. in only 8 months, that was so super wonderful & I was on top of the world. But my next biggest challenge which I never got past was my plateau ;-( and I was stuck big time? I guess I tried everything, but my body would not lose weight for several months, I was stuck at that 222lbs. & I will never forget that challenge. And I naturally became totally discouraged, & that is putting mildly. Shortly after that I was preggers!! Happy but scared too! So at that point and time my mind shifted off of the weight, & I was so nervous about gaining weight, but thankfully I only gained 13lbs. for my entire pregnancy? My baby was eating all the food, & he was Thankfully born healthy & happy at a little over 5lbs. he was a tiny thing! After the pregnancy, single motherhood kicked in, and it was all about my son! I love him too much and I would not change a thing, but something in me changed, my drive & strive to continue on with my journey at that time died. From time to time, I would try, try and try to get re- motivated but it just never really happen for me, and my son is 6 now. Until last Spring, I need things to inspire me, I guess in my old age! I am 45 NOW! And graduating with my Bachelors degree helped me, to shed some pounds! I lost 20lbs. for my graduation ( does not look like it in the pics, but I did).
My Graduation and taking that trip to Arizona! did just that. I gave up my "Spirits/Apple martinis" tried, tried my best & guess what I did it, BUT my downfall was I did not stick with it, It was like after my Graduation? now what, at that time too, I had to lose this last 50lbs. and but it turned to 30lbs. and now it's back to 50lbs.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel, thankfully, I know it can be done. Monitor my food intake, and move, move, move, move & the weight will come off. So for now I can't give up so easily, and I have to keep moving no matter what. Guess what I always at some point I would make it back to the website, always checked in periodically. Some come in the beg. never to return? months at a time would go by, but I never gave up on OH completely, and I think this is what I need to bring me back to reality of wl & the challenges that are never ending!!
Thank YOU OH, for being here still.
It's the only way! I always knew exercise was very important, OR so I thought I knew, but NOW after 8 years, I REALLY KNOW & UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF IT LITERALLY. Don't get me wrong, cutting back on the food, and working out, come hand and hand, but I kept trying to slip through the cracks, and I can't not any longer. This is so major, for me? for us all, we are all at different places, & phases in the journey of wl. I am sure one main thing, we did other then go back to eating "whatever" we stopped excising too! so what on earth did I expect? that my weight would just be at a stand still? don't I wish, but that for sure is not the case! And now I really feel like I can do this thing for real, as long as I keep, moving, moving & MOVING!! & can't ever stop, sounds scary, but I can't. I am so excited about my great epiphany and it only took my eight years to figure it all out. I just never realized how I took exercising and working out for granted, but that will be no longer. And when they say" life time changes" I finally get that part of it now, and now I just have to work at getting to goal. Being healthy and strong is my new motto, but I want to lose my regain and finally, finally make it to a goal, which has also changed, but so have I. NOW that I really know the deal!!! Reading those old blog's really help me, to understand, where & WHY I kept falling off the Track to my own Success. I do feel silly, but I really get it, as they say, & I UNDERSTAND IT BETTER NOW! Wish me luck, as I wish you luck as well in your current process of you wl journey & woes. Move 2LOSE! my other new motto!? LOL.
Peace & Love, Jbug
What I have discovered in and throughout my journey! I am not totally shocked but it all makes sense Now!!
"Epiphany" a moment in which you suddenly see or "understand" something in a new or clearer way!"
I went back and read some old posts, all the way from the beginning of my journey, (2007). And over the years as life happened, & life altering changes occurred, having a child & so forth. My downfall was always falling off track, with "Exercise" now I don't love it, some do, but I know it has be done, but even then, it was a major, major challenge & major pit fall for me to stick to and do it. I remember at one of my weigh ins I so disappointed because I was trying to get out of the 300lb. range and I was still there, as I remember at 301 & then after that I got my exercise on big time, and when I came back to weigh in again at the docs office, I was 280lbs. so I of course stepped up my game, I am not sure of the time frame in between, my visits w/ the doc, but my doc was happy with my general and gradual healthy weight loss. I also remembered I had surgery in March, & by November I had lost my first 100lbs. in only 8 months, that was so super wonderful & I was on top of the world. But my next biggest challenge which I never got past was my plateau ;-( and I was stuck big time? I guess I tried everything, but my body would not lose weight for several months, I was stuck at that 222lbs. & I will never forget that challenge. And I naturally became totally discouraged, & that is putting mildly. Shortly after that I was preggers!! Happy but scared too! So at that point and time my mind shifted off of the weight, & I was so nervous about gaining weight, but thankfully I only gained 13lbs. for my entire pregnancy? My baby was eating all the food, & he was Thankfully born healthy & happy at a little over 5lbs. he was a tiny thing! After the pregnancy, single motherhood kicked in, and it was all about my son! I love him too much and I would not change a thing, but something in me changed, my drive & strive to continue on with my journey at that time died. From time to time, I would try, try and try to get re- motivated but it just never really happen for me, and my son is 6 now. Until last Spring, I need things to inspire me, I guess in my old age! I am 45 NOW! And graduating with my Bachelors degree helped me, to shed some pounds! I lost 20lbs. for my graduation ( does not look like it in the pics, but I did).
My Graduation and taking that trip to Arizona! did just that. I gave up my "Spirits/Apple martinis" tried, tried my best & guess what I did it, BUT my downfall was I did not stick with it, It was like after my Graduation? now what, at that time too, I had to lose this last 50lbs. and but it turned to 30lbs. and now it's back to 50lbs.

Thank YOU OH, for being here still.
It's the only way! I always knew exercise was very important, OR so I thought I knew, but NOW after 8 years, I REALLY KNOW & UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF IT LITERALLY. Don't get me wrong, cutting back on the food, and working out, come hand and hand, but I kept trying to slip through the cracks, and I can't not any longer. This is so major, for me? for us all, we are all at different places, & phases in the journey of wl. I am sure one main thing, we did other then go back to eating "whatever" we stopped excising too! so what on earth did I expect? that my weight would just be at a stand still? don't I wish, but that for sure is not the case! And now I really feel like I can do this thing for real, as long as I keep, moving, moving & MOVING!! & can't ever stop, sounds scary, but I can't. I am so excited about my great epiphany and it only took my eight years to figure it all out. I just never realized how I took exercising and working out for granted, but that will be no longer. And when they say" life time changes" I finally get that part of it now, and now I just have to work at getting to goal. Being healthy and strong is my new motto, but I want to lose my regain and finally, finally make it to a goal, which has also changed, but so have I. NOW that I really know the deal!!! Reading those old blog's really help me, to understand, where & WHY I kept falling off the Track to my own Success. I do feel silly, but I really get it, as they say, & I UNDERSTAND IT BETTER NOW! Wish me luck, as I wish you luck as well in your current process of you wl journey & woes. Move 2LOSE! my other new motto!? LOL.
Peace & Love, Jbug