Back On Track Together

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Hello Ladies and Gents

on 2/18/15 8:29 am

i haven't really posted much the past few days, i've been non stop searching for a place to move. Ugh I hate house hunting. I had a few rough days surrounding the wedding I went to on Saturday but it was nothing drastic. I never went over my daily calories burned but i didn't stick to losing calorie range either for those two days :'( ! It's been either two or three weeks that I've been working hard on being back on track, I'm losing slowly, than I gained all kinds of water weight because my water pills ran out, now I'm slowly losing the water weight. I got my water pills today so I'm hoping I see a loss on the scale within the next day or two. If I could just be below that 192 mark I would know I've actually lost real weight. I started at 199 and went down to 192.8 If I could get to 192 even or below I would feel like I have accomplished something but I'm bouncing back and forth between 193-194. It's very frustrating. I feel like I"m never going to lose this weight. I feel like I'm trying but maybe not hard enough. I've been slacking on the exercise because of the weather. I lose interest very quickly exercising inside so walking is my best and most successful exercise routine. It's been below zero here and I just can't face those temps. I know that's not helping me with my weight loss journey. I can't wait till this weather breaks. I'm also having a very difficult time drinking water, just plain old water, instead I'm drinking TONS of coffee. I was losing pretty quick when i was drinking water but for some reason it tastes gross to me and I'm gagging it down. So I'm lucky if I drink half a cup a day. Once again, i'm going to try again tomorrow with the water. I'm going to put a bottle next to my bed and try drinking a cup before I even get out of bed. Maybe if I can start my day drinking water I will be better about it throughout the day. Any one have any other suggestions on getting the clear nasty liquid down? lol. I'm also waiting on my protein powder. I'm hoping that kicks things into higher gear too. I had VSG anyone know the amount of protein I should be getting a day while trying to lose? I'm averaging between 20-40 grams a day that's it. I know the 20 grams is on the low side but not sure where I should be. I'm scared to use the protein powder because my calories will be going up with it. I'm already getting between 600-1000 calories a day. I can't see me losing weight on anything above 1200 calories a day. to get the protein I think i need i  would need two protein shakes added to my daily calories which are pretty much the same foods every day and that would put me at around 900-1400 calories a day. YIKES! So how many calories are you folks getting in that is working successfully for you? Do any of you change up your calories when your weight loss stops or slows? There is a time in my life when I lost 100 lbs on my own and the way I did it is once a week i would get extra calories in. I would eat as many calories as I burned that day. I didn't care what it was as long as I raised the calories, sometimes I would even do this a few days in a single week and it would kick my loss into gear again. I'm not sure why but I'm scared to try it again. Anyone else do this? How does it work for you?

Hope you all are doing a great job staying bott! And I hope to hear back from you all soon. Hugs


on 2/19/15 7:14 am

Only you know what your commitment is so if you feel like you are not trying hard enough then ask yourself what your could change to get back into the losing mode.  I hear you about the weather as I much prefer to exercise outside.  However, I recognize  that I can do things inside and that I am making excuses when I don't.  I do yoga, but that is not enough.  I think drinking water would help as sometimes when I think I am hungry I am really thirsty.  I love water plain, but many add crystal lite and things like that to give it flavor. Definitely a good idea to mix with a protein shake.  I also had VSG and right now my protein levels are higher than normal between 80-100 grams a day. I did this to jumpstart the weight loss and reduced my carbs to 20 or below. It is working and I lost 4-6 pounds in the last 10 days.  The recommended amount of protein by most NUT is 60 mg. so you are low. My calories for today are at 733.  I am recording everything in MFP.  Once I have lost all of my regain, which is about another 6 pounds, I will increase my carbs 10 grams at a time to find my sweet spot. I have to say since making adjustments and recommitting myself I am feeling so much better physically and emotionally. I know this is not the right plan for everyone, and you will have to find what works best for you.  Some of us commit our food plan for the day here which has really helped me.  Please join us in doing us. 


Cathy W.
on 2/19/15 10:01 pm

Ditto what drea29 replied to you.  Posting daily eats and check-in posts have helped me to stay on track.  Posting here on BOTT and on the message boards helps me lots.  Being active in the OH community and BOTT keeps me on track.


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 2/20/15 10:38 pm

Today I am having a tiny tummy day so it shouldn't be hard to only get a few hundred calories. I'm determined to stick to my eating goals for today; however, I'm far from getting in my protien for the day. Ugh I'm doing good with my water today. I drank 2-3 cups before I even started my coffee and the more water I drink the less I want my coffee. It tastes funny to me when I'm drinking water and I just don't want it. I'm going to have some salad for lunch with chunks of ham in it and walnut raspberry vinegrette Yum. Dinner I'm going to have 2 oz of Ham if I can handle it but Not going to stuff myself just to get the 2 oz is. I will have cocoa wheats with sugar free vanilla syrup to sweeten it. Man do I love that stuff and it fills me up so good. I stay full for the rest of the night. I may add an egg in there but I'm not sure. Or maybe a cup of skim milk. I don't know. I have to work on mindless eating so today I'm going to try to focus on that too. I am almost two years out and still do not get hungry with the exception of when I eat toast so I have no reason to eat besides what I have planned out. Boredom eating is killing my plan. SO I'm going to promise myself that I will only eat what's on my plan for the day. That's it not a thing more.

Hugs everyone Hope you are all staying warm.

Have a happy healthy day.

