Back On Track Together
Challenge: New month - new challenge. Let's have it started.
I like short term goals. It allows me to stay focused...
How about September challenge: Sept 2 st - September 30.
Lets set up goals, and see what we can do... I am going out if town - for 12 days - but I still can do it.. I think. (I KNOW)
My goals:
1. No wine... (that one will be tough)
2. Walking - my goal is to have walked at least 30 miles in 30 days....
3. Yoga - 2-3 times a week when I am in town. (I can do stretches and some yoga when traveling - but not much) - those days I need to make sure I walk.
4. clean eating - no food I am allergic to, or have intolerance, no wine, no soft drinks, no artificial sweeteners. (stevia is OK, saccharine - only when I can't get stevia)
5. take all my vitamins and minerals.
6. Drink 80-120 oz of water.. (no less no more)
7. Smile a lot - be happy - I have to think about and write it down - at least one good thing per day. (about me, or anything in my life - )
Enjoy life and outdoors...
I know if I follow the 7 items above - I will lose the rest of the fat I want lose
I plan to do something like that: I may even put a picture like that on my fridge.
I do challenge all of you to think and write down at least one good thing per day..(if that is someone smiled at you, your spouse and you feel good, or just because you saw a beautiful flower and realized that you are lucky to be able to see things in color.. )
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Hi, H.a.l.a....I will join you on your goals setting for the month of Sept. I'm fluctuating between 160-163, and that's not bad because I'm normally eating at maintenance. But I would like to get to my goal of 150 lbs by Christmas or maybe New Years Day, so I'm devoting this month to more exercise to help me get there. Of course, I can still only ride my recumbent bike due to my back issues, so that means more diligence as I have been slacking on the bike workouts here lately.
My plan is to do at least 30 mins on the bike daily. My regular routine is 45-60plus mins 5X/wk, and sometimes it just gets old, even though I don't have to do them all at once. I found myself starting to revert to being lax about my workouts just the way many or most of us became lax about our eating after we reached (or almost reached) our goal wts. But that's one area that I refuse to become lax about, and my eating is good. It's the exercise that keeps the wt loss going for me, or from coming back on my occasional cheat days. I'll still aim for 45-60mins, but if I don't complete it 5X/wk, I will at least have 30 mins under my belt daily, rather than nothing at all.
As for one good thing per day, I must say the broad, snaggle-toothed smile of my 6yr old granddaughter as she boarded the bus this morning, the first day of school, was my good thing for this day! SO CUTE!!
Kids are cute...
Glad you joining...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I agree with the Sept. plan because I will stay more focused. 28 days is a short period so every meal and snack counts. I have to continue with cleaning for exercise. I have 19 windows in my house and they all need to be washed. I usually start in the spring, but this year I have to do them in 1 month. It is about 30 to 45 minutes to take them apart and give them a good cleaning. Bigger windows and doors take longer. Then there is the clutter challenge. I'm not so bad that I could be on "Clean House" but closets and drawers need a good going over too. Then swimming is very meditative for me as is the steam room. A daily trip to the gym would be a good idea. I am going to start a blessings book. At night before I go to bed I am going to write something I am grateful for that day. Something that made me feel good. A friend gave me a God rock from her garden. She told me to write a "trouble or problem" on a piece of paper and put it under the rock and forget about it. When I sing a song or pray I can offer it up for the problem and toss out the paper. I love your rock jars. There are 16 oz. in one pound and in one can of veggies. I may put a can in a laundry bag for each pound I lose. I will start with the 5 pounds I relost. Count me in. Tri

I plan to use colorful rocks for every 0.5 lbs loss. That would be more motivational for me.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
A day late and a pound short.... Count me in!
im still having a tough time getting going, so maybe this "short term" challenge will do the trick.
i would love to lose 5# this month. To do that, I will need to:
exercise 5x per week. Leaving Friday for a myrtle beach vacation and will walk 30 minutes (hopefully more) per day.
stop eating in bed/night time grazing. Planned snack ok
not eat standing up
further limit refined carbs
fortunately I'm good with water and vitamins
This morning, I'm greatful for my husband and that I have a job that I love on most days!