Back On Track Together
Ferritin is 7 - need to increase without transfusion
Hi all, I know I come and go from this group and I wonder why my weight goes up ferritin is 7, down from 11. I was shocked that it dropped even lower. I am hoping to avoid a transfusion, so if anyone has any tips or tricks or personal experience to share, I would appreciate it. For probably 5 years, I have taken the Bariatric Advantage Iron 60s, 3 of them, so 180 at night when I go to bed, so very puzzled to have this drop for the past 6-8 months. My endocrinologist says it is probably an absorption problem.
My new plan of attack is to take two 60s at 3x per day (at meals) and work in my calcium between that and at night. I am also going to eat more meat. I am considering getting some liquid iron and I am doing a lot of research and reading. I take good supplements and vitamins and I am still keeping over 100# is just losing beyond that. I know I am eating to combat the fatigue, so am really working on increasing my protein in the hopes that will naturally decrease all the other stuff.
Thank you fellow BOTTers!!
I was past menopause when I had surgery, and a big red meat eater. So my iron was always good and I was told I did not need to supplement. In the last year of so, I have stopped eating almost all meat. I had blood work drawn last week and an appointment next month.
If my iron is low, I would like to avoid transfusions also, so will be interested in hearing how your plan works out.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Hello and thanks for replying. I tend to eat less red meat but eat plenty of cheese, so not sure if that is related and I take a lot of iron, which is what has me so puzzled. I am eating meat now, and it tastes GOOD!! - LOL. I do not know if it is because I know it is like mainlining iron or what, but I told my husband it never tasted better. I will keep you updated. Right now, I am taking 120 of iron with each meal and maybe an extra dose if I can work it in around also getting my calcium - sure do not want a different problem. I am also making sure to take my vitamins and supplements and increase my protein in order to maintain and try in increase my energy and concentration. My doctor also put me back on diabetes meds; his theory is I will have trouble later and thinks that is contributing to my struggle to get my weight down - I have never made it to goal. My primary concern right now is the ferritin, but if I can do lots of things better, I think I will release some weight and that will make me feel better mentally and physically, regardless of the ferritin. I am also doing a lot of research on increasing the ferritin without the transfusion (you, looking for the overnight cure!). Louise
I wish I knew. I don't absdorb asnf lose faster than I should. In December my ferritin was 86, May - 23. I am getting irton infusion. I had 3 andf getting 4th one on Tuesday. Thast sdhoulkdf hold me 2 years. I hope. Like series one 2 years ago.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I have IBS -C so taking iron is out. Hurts too much.
I don't have as period plus not much other reasons to lose so much iron. If I am losing blood - we are not sure why and were. I am eating red meat, green veggies, and still iron does not hold. My ferritin were 191 in September 2012. Dropped to 86 by December 2013, and down to 23 in May. At that rate I may get in trouble so my hema agreed to iron infusions. (Blood = transfusion, iron = it is infusion)
May I ask why don't you want iron infusion?
BTW - i tried all iron. Either no changes or horrible pain due to IBS.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Hi, I think not wanting the transfusion is more mental for me. My doc said there can be side effects but I didn't even ask what they were! I am very fortunate that the iron does not bother me, even taking more and more frequently. Maybe a little gas, but so far no embarrassing moments at work...I am eating red meat and got some fish, too. I told my husband that the. Meat never tasted better! Thanks for posting, esp ur experience.
The worst side effects for me from irton infusions were mild cramping in my gut 2-3 days later (the livers try to filter the blood from iron that is not incorporated in the body - so the "leftovers" are dumped in the gut) I also had more constipation (that's my IBS-C gut)
Nbeside that mild allergy symptoms (that Allegra took care of) plus some other mild issues that lasted 1-2 days... Not pleasant but not in any way significant for me to worry about infusions. Some people may get severe reaction (allergic) but very small % as far as I know.
The energy and lift of depression I got after infusions are worth every darn inconvenience (and money - ugh). From getting winded out after a short walk in SC to hiking at 10,000 feet in Colorado 2 months after infusions good. That was the "so positive" side effect of iron infusions.
Mine were spreader over 4 weeks.... (Once a week) but my last infusions were spread over 2 months (stil a serie of 4) . I was busy and had to travel, and since that was my 3 time (2001, 2012, 2014) I knew what to expect and tried to minimize the discomfort...
If you doc offers that - and you insurance pays for it (check it) - I woulkd go for it with, then try to supplement to keep with my levels. When my ferritin is below 30 - I start feeling the effects of low iron. (Less energy, RLS, etc)
On the other hand - I heard of people who were able to improve their ferritin just with food and supplements... Wish you are one on them. Keep us posted.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Thank you so much for the details - what you said really makes sense for how I feel! Especially the connection between the iron level and the depression. I have noticed an increase in my allergy symptoms with taking all this iron; definitely will keep that in mind. My allergies set off my asthma and/or sinus infection and as long as I stay on top of it, I keep all that at bay...geez.
I do think I am making a little progress...before I started the extra supplementation, I did not want to get out of bed in the morning - very odd for me b/c I am a morning person. I think that is how I knew there was something wrong. I am still really worn out, but the mornings are much better and I feel good in the morning versus, omg, how am I going to make it through today?
I also saw the nutritionist at the practice. She really helped me with working out schedules of getting the iron and calcium in - 3x a day for the iron and 3x a day for the calcium is tricky...
Hi Louise,
I have always had problems with my iron. I've had iron transfusions since having surgery in 2000. They have changed the procedure, so it's not as bad. I used to have 8 hr. infusions. I made a day of it, they gave me a private room and I brought a book, watched tv, packed a lunch with snacks and took a nap. Now, they do 3 hr. infusions over 4 weeks. It's much better and I don't need as many. I get 2 a year now.
Good luck with trying different methods. I hope that it works for you!