Back On Track Together
Thursday cafe and cardio
A long weekend ahead of us... with celebrations - family gatherings...friends.. I know I have at lest 2 parties if not 3...
My goal is to stay on track - but with some flexibility.. My flexibility will be the qty of foods but not the type of food.. plus I may have some wine - maybe..
When going to a party - I typically volunteer to bring a dish - I make sure it is something I can eat. At the same time - I always have my own "snacks" in my (large) purse, and some food in the car in a cooler (just in case). There were parties in the past that I was told there would be food I can eat - i.e.grilled chicken but after i arrived I found out that the menu had changed and they had barbequed pork (smothered in sauce - very very sweet sauce) and they had fried chicken, coleslaw, pasta salad... etc..
well, with my foods restrictions - gluten free, no sugar, dairy or soy... none of the items were suitable for me.. I was stuck pretending things are OK. and eating the one small protein bar I had with me.. of course I did not stay long... I learn the hard way to have more food for me.. The only problem with that - specially when you are skinny - that any food snacks you eat - there would be be at least one person that want to know what it is, where did you get it and they expect you to share it - or at least give it a bite... I learned to carry more, or excuse myself and eat in a total privacy - specially if I there is close to nothing I can have at the party and I only brought enough for me....
My BF is fantastic since he usually tells people that my own stuff is rather nasty - and discourages anyone to ask for a sample...
Also - most of my friends know that I am on a special diet and try to make sure there is at least one protein item I can eat...No one also makes a big deal if I don't eat anything and just sip on my protein shake.
Today I had a crew at my house painting the trim - it really needed that last year...but it did not happen. That should last 3-5 least.
I had iron infusion yesterday and today my joins and my muscles are hurting... ouch..
I plan to take it easy - food wise today...
coffee + Miralax + more coffee
green tea
cucumber/avocado salad + tuna
second portion of the above.
protein shake
protein shake
D: not sure- depends how my guts would behave... I was hurting yesterday (the iron gets filtered my the liver and it gets dumped into the small intestines and for me - any iron there=pain and cramps/..)
LNS: nuts or protein -keto bread I made
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
This weekend will be spent with family and lots of food ! I can eat ANYTHING and seldom get sick, unless I overeat......then I just hurt until the food would think I would learn portion control, but if I don't concentrate....I WILL overeat......old habits die hard and then rear their ugly head from time to time ! I do have family members who are paleo eaters or gluten free and everybody understands and tries to provide something for them. I am lucky that my family understands different diets.
Sorry that iron infusions get you down....I am lucky that tablets are all I need.
todays eats son brought some fresh roasted ones.....but I didn't eat but about 10
lunch..............1/2 grill cheese sandwich
dinner...............chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole
have a great evening !!
you have no idea how much I wish I could eat anything with no pain, itching hives and losing my voice...or face swelling (but only half - so i guess is not that bad??? )
and then there is good that if I eat I hurt for a few days.. But most of that food is the food that would make me gain weight - so...I guess that is what I wanted? right? (I was hoping to be "a dumper" - can I un-wish that now????? )
I think most of my allergies may be related to my adrenal insufficiency or the other way around... no one would ever know. I think my mother had severe food allergies butat that time - 30 years ago - nobody tested for that.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
B: 2 eggs, potato, onion, pepper 260
S: peach and Greek yogurt 130
L: chicken breast, gnocchi, lettuce with vinaigrette, sunflower seeds 450
S: popcorn, ham and cheese roll up 250
D: chicken breast, potato, zucchini, pasta sauce 300
S: tortilla chips and greek yogurt and salsa 22
S; protein bar 190

Thursday I had
B-thin meat patty with cheese.
L-Boca burger (vegi burger)
D-Lean ground beef seasoned with vegetables.