Back On Track Together
Finally Friday cafe and cardio
I read through Thirsty Thursday. It sounds like everyone is doing well. Today I will continue gardening. Weeding is finished for a while. Now I am moving mulch, pine needles and dirt from one end of the yard to another. I had a tree taken down and I want grass and bushes in that area. I need the mulch in another area. It is hard and heavy work so after 30 minutes I am bushed, but it is a really good workout. It is fun to watch the progress. I will put in another 30 minutes before lunch. Well I hauled for an hour and twenty minutes. I had my big dog outside with me. She rolled in mucky water. She smelled horrible and I had to shower her. Then I had to clean the bathroom. Ugh!!! This afternoon I am pampering myself with hair, nails, eyebrows...painting, dying, cutting, waxing. I sing tomorrow, go to a class and then to a wedding in the evening. I had hoped to have lost 50 lbs. by tomorrow, but that didn't happen. Fortunately, I didn't tell anyone that I had WLS so they will think another diet failed. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I probably won't have any computer time tomorrow so I will log my food on Sunday. Tri
B: 2 eggs and low carb toast 210
S: banana and plain Greek yogurt 200
L: turkey and a roll 400
S; salad 350
D: 2 cheese enchelatas 500

I'm sorry that you didn't make your weight loss goal prior to this wedding but I completely understand. Go and enjoy!!
Skinny man had a doc appointment this morning so it's totally thrown my morning off. The up side is that it seems to be making my day go by much faster so I'll be home and started on my weekend before much longer.
Tonight is the kid's memorial service for their neighborhood friend. It was very important to me that they have a chance to say their good byes and find a way to make peace with all the emotions that they've been experiencing. For many of these kids it's the first person that they've experienced the loss of....and well, it's confusing. We're having a cookout to start with. Then there is a flower wreath that's been made to float out into the sound followed by a bonfire and a chance to share our memories. I think the adults in the neighborhood need the service more than the kids. We seem to be drawing strength from each other.
The eats for today:
Breakfast: Scrambled egg & cheese on wheat toast
commute: Mt. Dew
Lunch: Frozen Entree & side salad
snack: greek yogurt & small handful of trail mix
Dinner: Hot dog (no bun), watermelon
Exercise is going to be lots of walking through the neighborhood in gathering items and corraling kids. Yall remember to take those vitamins and drink lots of water.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
sorry you did not met the mid way goal -but you did lose 12 lbs of the regain - so there is progress..
It will happen - as long as you continue follow up the plan.
Last night I also had lousy eating evening. I ate way too much... And stayed too late. And then I wanted some chips. So I opened a bag of chips that looked like I could tolerate. I had 1- 1.5 serving of it. Such a huge mistake. The cramps and belly pain that followed were a reminder to me that just because the ingredients list combination of stuff that I may try to have one at a time - but combination of those may not work. I took my belly pills and try to drink warm tea, even had my cat give my belly massage. But at the end I just curled in a fetal position, use my cat as a belly compress (she knows when I really need her healing energy and her heat), and was able to fall asleep. My belly is still sore this morning. My gut is still pissed off. And probably it will take 2-4 full days for my belly to get back to normal.
Coffee + coffee
Protein shakes (vegan - they are OK but no it as good as whey- vegan are more or less gritty)
Dinner: had to go out - business dinner - so I will try to have some fish (hope the place have it) or a small steak and veggies.
Exercise: hope to go to yoga.
have busy weekend planned.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."