Back On Track Together
Monday cafe and cardio
Food plan:
B: egg beaters, rf cheese slice, turkey slice, low carb toast 170
S: veggie soup 50
L: small salad, chicken thigh meat, rf cheese slice, low carb roll 400
S: Greek yogurt, grapefruit, rf cheese slice 210
D: 2 chicken thighs, zucchini, pasta sauce, veggie soup 300
S: chicken thigh, zucchini, pasta sauce, rf cheese 200
S:metamucil cookies and sf pudding 160
1 load of laundry and general picking up; swimming lengths, biking and walking, shopping

Food Plan
B: protein shake
S: cheese string & strawberries
L: 5 meatballs in tomato sauce with mozza cheese
S: peppers and hummus
D: steak with roasted broccoli, green beans, salad
S: veggies & Strawberries
1 hour at the gym, depending if I can get my runners on (have had a toe injury for 2 weeks now) will run if not will do the bike in my flip flops and then move on to weights.