Back On Track Together
OT- Prayers Please
This is probably going to end up being a long post and I apologie in advance.
Yall know I love my kiddo and the little neighborhood that we live in. Friday was one of the worst days of his young life ever (hes 14). One of his best friends from the neighborhood (also a 14 year old boy). Turned up missing Friday night. He'd gone fishing Friday morning but it wasn't until Kiddo figured it out at about 6:30 that he was in fact missing and put some odd occurences together to figure out the whole story.
His friend had told his parents he was going fishing. They had no problem with that. He just didn't tell them he was going to go out in a kayak. He was supposed to come home and check on his Dad at 11. Dad is diabetic, wheel chair bound and on dialysis - very bad health. Dad was having a particulary bad day and was in bed. Mom had just started a new job that day. He borrowed a fishing pole from another neighborhood kid and left on a solo adventure. Without a life jacket.
The fishing pole was found by a crabber from the neighborhood tangled in one of his crab lines. A few yards away he found an overturned kayak. A quick search didn't turn up anything or anyone else but the crabber still called authorities. They met him and took the kayak. They found a waterlogged cell phone. Authorities looked for kayak owner in a neighborhood close to where they found the stuff. This was aound 10:30 Friday morning.
When our Kiddo was out walking the dog Friday night (like 6:30ish). He met up with the crabber who asked if anyone had a red kayak that was missing. Kiddo said there were a couple in the neighborhood and started to account for all of them. There should have been 1 at the boat ramp that they all play in. When he saw it was gone he checked behind the kayak. He got the crabber to show it to him and from there the nightmare began.
Kiddo is a smart kid. He checked with the boy's dad...that situation was terrible. Dad was in such bad shape that he had to be hospitalized. He didn't know exactly when he'd seen him last. Mom hadn't seen or heard from him since she left for work early that morning. As best we could all figure out he'd been gone for at least 10 hours before the search started.
Friday night was horrible...especially on the kids. I think we got everyone back to their homes around 2 and we were all back up and out on the water seraching the shoreline, woods and pilings as soon as it turned light. We actually beat the Coast Guard, sheriff's deot and other authorities back out to start looking. Saturday was the longest day of our lives. There was a feeling of hopelessness that I have never in my life experienced. All these kids are looking to us adults for answers and we just didn't have any. With every hour that passed the reality of a happy ending diminished. Saturday's search turned up nothing.
Father's Day, the men of our community came together for a prayer circle. They chose to let the authorities search while they prayed. Our neighborhood missing teenager's body was recovered at 8:30 yesterday morning.
It has been a hellish experience for everyone concerned. I would ask that you pray for the famiy of this young man in the days and weeks ahead. I'd also ask that you remember the other kids in my neighborhood who have had to face the finality and tragedy of the death of a friend at their young ages. It is just not the natural order of things. The moms are coming together and we're planning a memorial service for the kids to participate in as a way to say good bye. SUch a horrible, horrible, horrible way to start the summer.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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Such a horrible horrible thing. HUGS.. will send prayers ...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
What a tragic story. My prayers are with the friends and family. We had a similar experience when my kids were younger. Their friend went canoeing without a life jacket in a very cold river. I think about him to this day. It is so out of the rhythm of life to have a youngster die in an accident like that. He was an exceptional person and could have given so much to society. Simply tragic. Take care, Tri