Back On Track Together
How do you BOTT? - your methods and tips for others - what works for you?
We have a few new people.. and there are some of us that have been doing that over and over and over...
I guess it is funny thing with regain - you can lose it - then it is back, and back.. and in same situation we become "happy" where we are - only to be reminded by our Closet, or one of our docs ..that things are NOT where they need to be..
How about we share - without judgement or criticism what works for each of us - and even what does not work?
The truth it is - what works for one person - may not work for someone else.. there are many paths to the same point...
Lets share...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Let me start to explain a few things about me: I have food allergies, Secondary adrenal insufficiency (SAI), I have IBS-C and I am menopausal on HRT.
I am on daily Cortisol replacement and I deal with severe RH (reactive Hypoglycemia) that can be partially blamed by my SAI (the other part is the bad food choices).
I also have a Type A personality - and I get bored if something does not work fast enough for me - I may drop it... I ratehr take drastic measures and lose my wight fast(relatively) that work on losing 0.5 lbs every other week.
Here is what works for me in losing stage phase:
Food choices:
- Low carbs
- no grain
- no artificial sweetener
- no dairy (even butter is iffy)
- FODMAP low - free diet to help with my IBS (google to learn more)
- Miralax (to help with my IBS-C)
- fruits - only berries and only 1-3 servings per week
- Low carb - high fat (relatively) - 100 gr of protein daily
- Nuts (specially Late Night Snack-LNS to keep my BS stable at night)
- no alcohol, no soft drinks.
- only liquid calories in a form of protein shakes with a very small amount of carbs in it.
- I try to eat and drink as natural as I can, trying to avoid highly processed foods..
My meal schedule:
I try to follow Intermittent fasting (IF) ( describes diets that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting. In some contexts, fasting allows the consumption of a limited amount of low-calorie beverages such as coffee or tea.) I
I found what works best for me is to modified IF - I try to have 12-14 hrs per day I only drink non caloric drinks. (coffee, tea, water, etc.). For various reasons (explained below - if you choose to read) the time I eat food is between noon-11 pm every day.
I try to fit my eating in 10 hour or less window so if the previous day my last snack was at 10 pm - I can start eating (or drinking proteins) at or after 12-noon. If I am not hungry I may wait longer or I have some light protein shake or some light 100 cal snack.
Then until my LNS (typically at 9 -10pm or so) I try to eat no more that 200 cal meals/snacks every 2-3 hours.. and I reserve most of my calories and food for dinner..
I really don't count calories too much. I know that with my restriction - I can't eat a lot and when I do - I really hurt...
Note:I use stevia in liquids because the truvia has dextrose= form of sugar. When I am out and don't have my stevia (package- pure stevia) - I may use some saccharine..
So here will be my typical eats when I am trying to lose weight and do it fast:
- morning 6-7 am: coffee + coffee - + miralax + stevia; vitamins and minerals..
- 8-12 drink my liquid : green and herbal teas.. water
- noon - 2 pm. I am typically hungry by then - so I will eat lunch: meat or eggs or fish + low starchy veggies..or if I am not hungry I drink protein shake made with coconut or almond unsweetened milk ( need fat and proteins)
- snack: around 4 - can be protein shake; or some small snack - making sure i get fat+ proteins..
- 6-7 snack or a meal - depends how day went - it may be some cold cuts or piece of chicken and some veggies.. ( I do miss my cheese)
- LNS: typically nuts or nut butters. or my own backing product (like protein muffins or protein cookies, protein bars, etc)
what is important to my diet:
Carbs. I try to stay under 40-60 gr of net carbs, making sure I get at least 10-20 fiber from real food (i don't trust most companies when the "add fiber" - I dealt with too many RH episodes due to that). And I try to limit my carbs to 30-40 per day.. (from non starchy foods)
Proteins: I tried to get at least 80 -100 gr of proteins from different sources. ( getting better with that since I found some good tasting vegan proteins- really miss my whey).
Fats: I don't really try to limit those. My body will tell me if I had too many (nausea and runs) so I try to keep my fats at every meal to under 10-20 depends what else is in the food. (liquid - need to stay at 5-8 gr, drinking slowly - in protein shakes); but I tolerate most nust - tolerate too well. I like bacon,.sausage, eggs, avocado, and use coconut oil and coconut milk in my many recipies. I also use nuts and seeds oils and try to avoid most "vegetable oils" IMO _ canola oil is not really good for us..
I don't do low fats..or fat free. For my coffee - if I have it in afternoon- I add coconut milk or almond milk.. I use that also for my protein shakes.
Calories: I do track my calories by realy tracking all my other foods, and try to stay at 1000/ daily on weekly basis. That means that one day I would have 1400 and the next couple days ..800...
I gain weight when I eat too many carbs and ..drink wine.. wine is my issue for weight gain.. I eat wine - and not only I get more calories from wine - but I also can eat more ... and make poor choices.
BTW: I learned about the IF from someone who was able to lose 10 lbs on her already small frame in rather short time...
Also check 5:2 diet.... if you interested. (google it)
Note about eating so late:
I have to have LNS - around 10 p.m. Due to my SAI (adrenal issues) - I am not really hungry until my cortisol kicks in in the late morning. I can judge if I took enough or too much how hungry I get.. Also - my cortisol is low in evening or night (and I can't supplement - or I would not be able to sleep) so no only my body have a hard time converting stored sugar into blood sugar (need steroid for that) but during that time my BS have tendency to drop really low (like really really low - 30's and below). Because of that - I need to eat food in evening and make sure i have some high fat+proteins+complex carbs food as LNS so my body has some"food" to be able to slowly digest and use in 8-12 hours. Nuts works for me - because not only it take a while for my body to break them don - but they also do not "spoil" inside me while I am sleeping...- don't we all know the sour taste in the morning if we eat something late at night? nuts don't do that to me.)
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I try to eat fruit, veggies, starches, meat, dairy and no junk. My general diet is 1600 calories, but frequently I eat something like rf cheese nuked over flax seed tortilla chips or a sandwich made from low fat sausage, rf cheese, veggies and whole wheat bread or a great salad with craisins, dressing, croutons, nuts and seeds along with lettuce, tomato, cucumber. Each of these adds 500 calories to my day. It was happening often enough that I slowly gained weight. I don't remember the last time I ate a candy bar or high fat ice cream or sundae or donuts/cakes. I simply eat too much healthy food. I am a lot like my 100 lb. lab. She cries at her bowl for another scoop of kibble before bed. She doesn't need it, but too often I give in to her because she looks so hungry. As I am writing this I realize I should grab her leash and take a walk around the block. We both might forget about food and sleep better...hmmmm! Tri