Back On Track Together
Tues. 6/10/14
Hope you had a great weekend and Monday. I could have done
better with my food and exercise. On the bright side I did pass
on two big juicy donuts. I found myself staring at them a few
times and thinking well one wouldn't hurt that much. My niece
thought she was being nice and got treats for her yard sale. I
ate cheese instead. I also went to an 8th bday party for my great-niece where everything was carby and I ate a cupcake. Oh well, nothing
to do but move forward and try again. I think if I get through a few
days of low carb it will get easier, I found myself so hungry last
night that I kept going to the fridge and snacking on leftover corn
and beef, not good. Sorry for the rambling this morning.
My plan for today is a 20 minute walk this morning
B. ff greek yogurt with almonds and strawberries
coffee w/ff h&h
L. cottage cheese/hot pepper cheese casserole
coffee w/ff h&h and decaf iced tea
D. baked chicken and veggies
coffee w/ff h&h
Tonight is my sister's birhtday and am going to try and pass on the cake, maybe have a bite or two.
Have a great day

I did very good.. Better than good.. and no wine or other booze for over a week... ( i used to have one day that I would have some wine)
Lost a couple more lbs..
I have appointment with my endo today. I hope she won't yell much at me.. (I am heavier when I was last time I saw her)
Yoga last night was more of relaxation session. It was good.. but I need more real yaga. I am glad not enough people show up so the whole session was canceled... otherwise I would be stuck in class that I don't really enjoy.
My belly is in a crampy mood so I need to take it easy today..Yesterday I ate food with too much fiber and my gut hates that,
eats today:
coffee + more coffee with Miralax
tea and my morning supplements
protein shake
protein shake
protein shake
dinner: I hope the cramps would settle so I can some some dinner.. letcho or chicken with some veggies..
I am hungry...
exercise: not sure but either walking or yoga.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
breakfast-turkey slices
lunch-special k protein bar
hamburger meat and cheese (nothing else, no bun, no dressings)
Drank water all day long, but did have 1 glass of Dr Pepper. I get around 80 ounces of water per day now but I should not have had the one Dr.Pepper. I will move on and keep going!!
I went to bed early Tuesday night so I am up at 3 am hungry. I also only had veggies at bedtime to save calories so I woke up hungry. Probably should have had an egg beaters omelet...oh well. Hopefully I can catch a nap on Wed. Here are my foods:
B:avocado, toast 300
S: peanut protein bar 200
L: salad, chicken, potato 500
S: veggie soup, ff cheese 150
D: chicken, salad, whole wheat bun 400
S: veggie soup,50