Back On Track Together
We've survived another work week!! Yippee!! I'm planning lots of time in the sun this weekend. See if I can't boost those Vitamin D levels. Knees are still giving me a fit from Wednesday's PT appointment but I still did my entire routine yesterday and I've started it again today. I figure they're going to hurt either way....might as well give them a reason.
Not sure what today's meal plan looks cupboards were bare this morning (to me at least). It's one of those week's where everything is on the grocery list (from mustard to light bulbs). I'll be broke but the pantry will be well stocked by the time I go to bed tonight. At any rate, I'm thankful for everything that I have.
I've got the morning vitamins in and I'm working on my water intake as I type.
Yall have a great day & weekend!
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
TGIF I right... It is short week for me again... I was out Monday and today I am getting iron infusion to boost my levels. I have a good hema and he gets it. I no longer need to wait for my levels to drop supper low when I can't function. If my ferritin drops below 30. He will get me a boost.
Today eats:
Coffee +coffee with Miralax, tea and morning vitamins.
I will have more coffee and tea
Protein shake - 3 servings - throughout the day.
Dinner: depends how I feel after infusion - may take it easy or try some fish and veggies.
Exercise - already got up, pet the cat and did some housework today....
I may be able to do some walking... Depends how I feel.
Weekend is going to be busy. Saturday I have to run some errands, take my fur baby to thee vet for second round of shots.. and do some yard and housework.. Sunday will plan to go hiking...
Have fun guys and remember water (and tea and coffee) plus vitamins and minerals.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Today was a blur... cleaned, laundry, shopped and sang for4 hours. I lost a pound.
My eats:
B: egg beater sandwich 200
S: Greek yogurt and strawberries 200
L; quinoa, rf cheese 200
S: huge salad: lettuce, tomato, cucumber, soy nuts, strawberries, Italian dressing, croutons 400
D: turkey and whole wheat bread 500
S: veggie soup 50