Back On Track Together
Saturday 6/7
I have no plans today...glorious! I am going to try to keep moving and eat healthy.
The plan:
B: egg beater omelet:spinach, egg beaters, ff cheese, lean ham and toast 200
L: huge salad: lettuce, green pepper, tomato, avacado, sunflower seeds, strawberries, croutons, dressing; turkey and whole wheat roll 640
S: strawberries and cottage cheese 240
D: turkey and whole wheat roll 240
S: veggie soup, turkey, rf cheese, whole wheat roll 360
3 am woke up hungry: turkey, rf cheese, quinoa 350
water 64 oz. and too much coffee

Got busy today. I woke up at 6:30 and could not get back to sleep. So I got up at 7 and made 4 dozen protein cookies. Took cat to the vet at 9:30...
Then home, second shower - my cat is small but when she gets stressed she sheds like crazy, I was covered in cat hair. We were planning to go to a car show, but my BF decided that it is not worth driving over an hour one way, when the show looks like it is not going to be very big. That suits me very well because I bought a lot of food to cook. He also had some things he wanted to do around the house. Beside the cookies I made 4 more dishes. We have enough cooked food that should last us over 2 weeks. I still plan to cook spinach and greens. Andc want to make cucumber salad.
I like to cook, put food in glass jars or zip lock bags , and freeze. Then just take a serving out, warm it up and eat.
I made spaghetti meat (bison) sauce, chicken in tomato sauce, letcho with sausage, turkey burgers. I eat spaghetti sauce on top of julienned zucchinni, or weith additional veggies. My BF gets pasta.
Eats today:
Coffee + more coffee. Tea
Protein cookies
Letcho with sausage, and sample of the spaghetti sauce.
Dinner: not sure - but some of the cooked dishes or I may make thai shrimp. I wanted to make that 2 weeks ago.
I also have app 20 lbs of polish sausage, and I need to portion that, vacuum pack and lable for freezing. The only real polish sausage I can get is 1.5 hr drive from my house, so when wee go there we bring a bunch and freeze. It is so nice to just take one link, throw it on as grill and have nice addition to any veggies.
My patio garden is doing good. Tomato plant is huge but we made a mistake buying plant that produces giant tomatoes. We don't eat a lot of tomatoes but this year we will. Next year I will try to make sure we have plants that produce small to medium tomatoes.
I have some poted herrbs, and one plant of pepper. Will see how well this thing will do this year.
We plan to see a movie today.
And exercise is house work and cooking.
Tomorrow we plan as hike.
Have fun.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Did you use the new gadget, Veggetti, I saw on tv to slice your zucchini? It looks like a cone that you twist the zucchini in and it comes out looking like spaghetti noodles? If it is what you do you like it? I am thinking about buying one. Zucchini is really low carb compared to pasta noodles. thanks Tri

I just got the cone type - Veggetti. It makes spaghetti like or ferttucini style noodle like shapes. I found it cheap in Ross. I just used it on Zucchini and that thing works great. I use that and I have another one that I use.
I also bought (have not tried yet) a carbs free- calorie free noodles. Have not tried it yet.
Btw- one large zucchini produced at least 3 servings of fake spaghetti.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."