Back On Track Together
Tuesday - 5/20
Having a good day here on the NC coast. Of course it would be better if I was home playing with the extended family but it's probably best that I'm at work....less likely to get in trouble here. I'm surrounded by my work Moma's who are constantly watching me out of the corner of their eye. I can't get away with ANYTHING. They've threatened to call 911 if I so much as cough. Spoil sports.
I'm drinking lots of water. I've had my morning vitamins. It's looking like a great day!!!
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Beautiful HOT day in Texas......was 100* yesterday and supposed to get there again today.....but tomorrow through Sunday they are predicting RAIN !! Glorius RAIN !! We SO need it !!
my day has been good.......vitamins taken and way over on water......need to walk some more miralax.....cottage cheese and pineapple
lunch........tuna salad sandwich
dinner.......grilled chicken and veggies
snack......watermelon or cantaloupe
ya'll have a great day......might not get to post tomorrow...going to Amarillo for a doctors appointment
Glad you have good people watching over you. You deserve that. Even if thery need to kick your behind to keep yuou safe ;).
I am doing good with my diet. Wine is out and good diet is in. So farthe scale shows 2 lbs loss so my plan is working.
Today I had:
Coffee + Miralax
2 egg bites and a few slices of pork loin roast
Protein cookies
More cookies (I was out)
Kimah + 1/2 tomato + 1/2 cup avocado pudding.
Tea and water.
In another note had a long conversation with my sister. In a way it was very good, but it also reminded me why I can share things about my health with her. I am not sure if she does not care to remember or really started dealing weith memory problems and can't remember things. She is only 57 so she is either self centered ***** or ... She is losing her mind. Neither one of these options is good.
Beside that - life is normal.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Lots of sitting around today. Lunch with a friend, oil change and a meeting.
S: protein coffee 120
L: Red Lobster: broiled flounder, salad, grilled veggies and 2 muffins 510
S: protein coffee 120
D: turkey spaghetti 500
S: Greek yogurt and 2 clementines 200
B: 2 eggs, rf cheese, spinach, whole wheat roll 400