Back On Track Together
Thirsty Thursday
Drink!! Drink!! Drink!! I'm half way through my first big glass of decaf tea. I just might manage to stay on track with my water intake today. Now if I can keep my food intake under control again today. Easier said than done.
I got the paperwork in yesterday's mail for my appointment with the rheumatologist next week. Goodness!! If she's half as thorough as the paperwork then I should come out of the office feeling like a million dollars. It is without a doubt the most detailed medical history and accounting of daily life that I've ever seen. (ex. Does your house have steps/stairs? If so how many? How many trips do you make up and down them on an average day?) If nothing else is accomplished at this appointment, I already feel like she's going to listen to me. Skinny Man was reading through the papers last night too and it really gave us a platform to talk about the impact that constant pain is having on our relationship. Some areas have been effected that he hadn't even considered. So good things are happening all around. It's a long hard climb out of depression and I'm not saying "look at me...I've made it!". I am saying that it happens. There are so many factors (weight being just a small factor) and even with meds and a healthier lifestyle it can still creep in and make itself at home.
My plan for today is looking like:
commute: Coffee
Breakfast: Scrambled egg burrito
snack: carrots and guacamole
Lunch: Crock Pot stew beef (new recipe at work - I'll let yall know)
snack: Yogurt
Dinner: Broiled Tilapia & Fresh squash
LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of water and decaf iced tea.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Good morning BOTTs.
Iris, I am so glad things are moving and shaking in the right direction for you. Great that awareness is being made regarding the pain and the depression and the affect it has on your life/relationship(s). My fingers are crossed for you regarding your new doctor, thorough is great!
Well....there are 10 fires going on in the San Diego County's becoming more and more obvious that some (several?) have been deliverately started by some horific "person" who gets a kick out of destruction and devastation of life and property. The nearest fire to my home was about 5 miles away but the firefighters were able to get that one contained. Schools everywhere in the county are closed. The heat is supposed to be 105 to 109 degrees and the wind is whipping at 30 to 70 miles per hour. My prayers are with all those affected and to the brave firefighters and law enforcement who are going toward the danger while evacuating those who live in the areas most threatened.
Breakfast: boiled eggs and 2 slices of turkey bacon
Snack: banana
Lunch: chicken cordon bleu (courtesy of work for employee appreciation day) :)
Dinner: green salad with tomatoes and baked chicken
Have a nice day and be good to yourselves.
Lots of water drinking going on I should be on track again.
Vits on track
too hot to walk outside so some walking in the halls will be about all that I will do today.
Ouch.. Please stay safe. Hugs..
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I heard that polo clubs are offering boarding to the horses that are in danger. Tri
I cleaned out for several hours today again. My basement is a black hole of hauling exercise! I am going to start tracking my food from after breakfast to the following day's breakfast. Then if I eat too much at night I can skip breakfast. I had a Weight Watcher leader that taught me that trick. Tri
S: protein coffee 140
L: veggie soup, tuna, light miracle whip, pocket bread 400
S: grapefruit, plain Greek yogurt 200
D: grass fed beef strip steak, potatoes 400
S: 1/2 brat, pear 280
Friday's breakfast: protein coffee 140

Hi guys. I am glad you are getting a second opinion.I hope she can help you.
I used to take Lexapro, but I felt it contributed to my cravings for alcohol and excessive alcohol consumption so I weaned myself aff of that. I was taking it for depression and also for anxiety and "hot temper" - overreaction to life and work. When I got off of it - I was getting "short" with myself and people.. There were days that I really didn't like myself...
I remember that at one time I bought tryptophan - to help me with my sleep. That natural amino-acid also has calming effect. So I started taking it first thing on the morning. I feel so much better. I am not snappy under normal condition.. and I feel much more happy.
I even think that I am doing better on tryptophan that I was doing on Lexapro..
I also noticed that I have no problem staying away from alcohol. I still like my wine - but I no longer feel that I really "want it".
I am dealing with a lot of stress at work. But it is getting better. I had ISO 9000 audit yesterday and I am still sooo tired.. But we passed and that is a big thing for our small company.
My house is a total mess, but I can deal with that. I plan to start going to yoga again.. . Not sure if today will do - but for sure tomorrow. We are going to have nice weather here over the weekend so I hope we can go for a small hike on Saturday. It is going to be in mid 70's.. I love weather like that - not too hot or too cold. Sunday we may go downtown, maybe even meet some friends for coffee.. will see...
My cat is lucky that I do love her very much.. we had really bad storm last night... and she made sure I was well aware and awake for it.. I think she get both scared and excited when it is thundering and he was jumping on and off the bed and me.. . She demanded I scratched her and pet her.. On and off all night... I was super tired after audit and went to bed early butstill only got recorder 7.5 hrs of sleep... (out of 10 I was in bed) Do do that for our fur babies , no?
my eats today will be simple
Coffee + miralax
Egg with leftover spinach.. ( had sauted spinach that I really did not wanted to I dumped some chopped pork loin into it, added eggs and made egg bites in the oven..) Had 2 this morning, and have 6 more for 3 more meals.
Green tea and lemon water..
veggies and sausage mix
more tea and water
protein "fake cookies" while shopping
dinner: not sure but I plan to buy some cucumbers and make my dill + avocado cucumber salad. and may have some meat..
Dessert: homemade low sugar fudge - chocolate...
I need more fat in my diet to keep my BS stable. I mix coconut oil+ Peanut butter (or almond butter), lots of cacao, stevia, add pinch of salt. Met and mix all of those together, and chopped nuts and some fiber (flax meal) and form into small "candies like"bite size pieces and freeze. I end up with very rich, almost SF, high fat, no dairy, moderate protein treat. It is not a low calorie food, but I can have it and not feel deprived ...
Fat keeps my body happy.. I can stay away from dairy, and gluten, and any other stuff that may make me sick. And keep stable BS.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I really don't follow any recipe... sorry.. But yo can look and google some sugar free fudge - there are so many out there.
I have dairy and soy allergy, and I have severe RH, so I have t be really careful what I eat.
My fudge is not a low calorie food... it is actually high calories - but low fat.
The way I make my "fudge" is selecting great quality stuff and then mixing it until I get desired taste and consistency.
I mix coconut oil, peanut butter (or almond butter), pinch of salt, liquid stevia, vanilla and or orange flavoring: melt all together while stirring. Add cocoa, mix well... add more stevia is needed. Once everything is well combined, and liquid - I add some grounded chia seeds (for fiber - so I can call it a "healthy food" ) - not much chia..Than add chopped nuts - or seeds - whatever I have on hand.. Mix well. Spread on silicon mat make sure it is even all around - or put mixture in my small silicon caps - molds Freeze for a few hours. Then break apart (the thin layers) or take out of the silicon molds and store in a fridge or a freezer.
In the past I would add whey protein powder to it - but since the allergy - I can't do that.
Sometimes I add some eggs and coconut four to the basic "liquid stuff" and bake that for a rich brownie like consistency.
I also do that following:
1 egg, 2 tbs of coconut milk, 1 tsp of melted coconut oil, 1 tbs of cocoa, 1 - 2 tsp of coconut flour , stecia, pinch of salt and 1/4 tsp of baking powder. vanilla or any other flavor. Mixx all well and nuke until the sides are dry bu the middle is bit runny.. let is set for 10 min or so.. add whip cream or not.. - 5 min dessert so good.. very rich..
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Iris, I sure hope this new doctor will be one that you like and will help you.
Gaby, stay safe....I saw the Fritch fire from my deck on Sunday and it really scared is 85% contained. It only has hotspots and some ravines still smoldering. And it was an accidental fire....not started by some sicko for fun. Your area is far worse. God be with all of you and Please God send rain !!!
my eats for today...... miralax
snack...........bake sale.... one piece German chocolate bundt cake....we have made $1600 from two bakes sales for our co-worker.........Shower of Blessings will be next week
lunch..........salmon patty, broccoli , bread
dinner..........roast and veggies
snack............who knows ? I don't know why, but I am going through one of those phases where all I want to do is snack.........Lord give me strength to walk away !!🙏
i hope everyone has a great evening.