Back On Track Together
Monday, February 10th, Cardio & Cafe
BOT today very low carb Day 1
coffee with Miralax + another cup coffee
B: Protein Drink (1/2 cup 1% milk & water with powder)
S: 1Tbp Cracked Red Pepper Hummus with 1/2 cup baby carrots
L: Pure Protein Drink
S: 100 cal pack of Smoke flavored Almonds
D: Pure Protein Drink
S: Lite & Fit Greek Yogurt
100 oz water + other liquids
30 mins on Treadmill
Calories: 775, 98g protein, 44g carbs
I have dropped calories from 1200. Tomorrow my goal is to try for fewer carbs!! Got to get scale moving. Goal is lose 20 pounds in next 3 months, hopefully I can.