Back On Track Together
Trying to STAY on track!!!
Perhaps it's just one of those days. From time to time I may not post for days at a time, because of my studies, attending to my son, and life, just ties me up sometimes. But I am in this for the long haul, I just need to have more patience. I weighed to day, and maybe a pound or two was off, the lines were too close, but it was going in the opposite direction for sure. Now I have challenged my self to get moving again, it's been two days, and I surely can not let it turn into 3! I have 5 days left before I will allow myself to weigh in again. on the 9th. Food choices could have been better, but not totally bad, but we can always do better right.
Today let's see
B-eggs w/cheese, w/ eckrich sausage, and toast- just had to
have it.!
S-Protein suppl.. tea, and water, fiber one bar.
L- nothing.
S-1/2 of bologna sandwich w/ water
D- Beef chili w/cheese. no crackers, I had enough brd. today.
S-?? unsure will push for more water.
EXERCISE: although I don't really feel like it, I am still going to get on the treadmill for 20-30 mins. I have to do it, exercise is a new forever life commitment. I have to move to lose!! and keep it off right?
Chat soon-jbug

It good to see you on line. I know it's a daily infact minute by minute struggle. You have to remember this is a life long struggle, and while it's hard to stay on track we have to. It's not always easy to make the correct food choices, take our vitamins daily and exercise it the key to success. I try and talk my self out of exercising daily. I find that if I miss one day, it turns into 2 days and before you know it I am no longer excercising. So my friend continue on your journey, you will get to that desired weight in due time.
My mind is really playing tricks on me, because although I am trying to lose wt. and it's going slower then I want or expected, I feel fat! Even though I have genuinely dropped a few lbs.
Some days I will be off line, by being over burdened by my hectic schedule. I missed it for sure. It's really good medicine to stay connected. Don't want to do treadmill tonight, but I must, and I will- And just think a few wks. ago I could not get enough of exercise almost, and now dreading it! How did that happen so fast. I just guess right now, I don't feel motivated, and this I am sure is normal.
Thanks for your support.

Ok Jbug. I can give you a {hug} and tell you that it is going to be fine on what you are eating or I can call my muscle man in and tell you that if I ate your menu today I might would maintain but would probably gain on it. You need to cut back on the carbs, ease up on the fats and add some green veggies in there for weight loss. You are doing great on the treadmill but with a better diet plan you could be losing up to twice as many calories than you are. Also, your sodium looks high so that will make you retain water weight too. I want you to lose your regain quickly but learning why we got there and how to maintain the lost afterwards is the key to the best success. Have a great day {{Hugs}}!
I've done Atkins before wls, and I lost 60 lbs. I am not sure how long it took? Maybe 4-5 months? I was saving that method for stalls and so forth? But nothing like the presence huh?
That would mean no Fiber one bars, they are like 20-carbs alone. And no banana's either they are extremely high in carbs.
I do have a weakness for potatoes and bread.
May incorporate low, carbs with a healthy salad moderations. You have me thinking about what I can do to tweak this process, and get the ball rolling, faster. I weigh in Sunday, perhaps I will do low carbs for the next few days, and see what results I can get from that. Thank you so much for all of your great advice & suggestions,
Chat-soon jbug