Back On Track Together
Tuesday, January 21st, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botts:
I feel so much better today even though I had a sleepless night again. I guess my hormones are running me ragged along with work. My boss is going to Las Vegas for a convention the end of next week so I will have a week to get my files in order for the new year without a disturbance. I pretty much ate protein all day yesterday. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Quest Protein Bar
Lunch: Protein Shake
Snack: Fiber One Bar
Dinner: Quest Protein Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Exercise: Bike
Our weather today is dipping into the low twenties with a wind chill in the teens. I plan on staying in and staying warm. Please remember to take your vitamins and drink lots of fluids throughout the day. Have a great one!
I finally tried those fiber 1 bars, I was more then impressed, I just only purchased the granola w/ the choc. of course. Don't want to get hooked on any others, could be a set up for disaster.
Here in Maryland, snow is falling finally! And school is cancelled. I love to stay at home on snow days! It's a warm comfy feeling I get inside. Spending that extra quality time with my son, he's 4yrs. old, if he doesn't dry me batty in the process!

Have a good day! (left you a private

Thanks for the virtual hugs yesterday ....they helped. We ended up eating at a place in Virginia Beach last night called Fire & was DIVINE (expensive but worth it)!! So much fun being out with the girls for a night of great conversation.
All my prep work yesterday paid off handily this morning. Grabbed an overnight refrigerated oatmeal and added a small handful of granola and dried cranberries to it. YUMMY!!! My Mason Jar salads looks wonderful. I grabbed one of those and realized that I hadn't added the protein layer so I added some cheese and grilled chicken to a ziploc baggie and I was out the door in record time.
Today's plan is looking like this:
commute: Coffee
Breakfast: Refrigerated oatmeal with granola and cranberries
snack: Hummus & carrots
Lunch: Mason Jar salad with chicken & cheese
snack: Handful of walnuts and 1/2 red grapefruit
Dinner: Black Bean chili
Getting my water and vitamins taken care of as I type. It's going to be a great day. I feel more in control than I have in the past few weeks. We're supposed to get some snow later today and tonight. That's always a welcomed sight here on the coast. It doesn't happen often but we try and enjoy it while it's here. Planning on playing with the doggies in it. Yall stay safe and warm.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
I found both on Pinterest.
The salads are supposed to keep for the better part of a week and I hate, hate, hate it when I buy a bag of salad and then it goes bad a day or two after opening. You can put your normal salad stuff in them just start with putting the dressing of your choice in first. Then the veggies that will tolerate "sitting" in the dressing the best (like cherry tomatoes, carrots, cauliflour etc. Then keep adding in whatever veggies and things you'd eat. (Meat & cheese too!) The final layer is your lettuce to the top of the jar. Then screw on the lid and tuck in the fridge. It's ready to go. When you're ready to eat it shake it up and eat from the jar of dump into a bowl or plate. (i used wide mouth quart jars for this)
The Oatmeal was AMAZING this morning, I used pint size mason jars. I added 1/3 cup of Quaker Old Fashioned oats, 1/3 cup of plain greek yogurt , 1/3 cup of Almond milk, a splash of vanilla, a packet of Stevia and a liberal sprinkling of cinnamon. Shook it all up and put it on a shelf in the fridge. Grabbed it this morning and when I got to work I added some dried cranberries and a small handful of granola for crunch. The possible add ins are limitless -----berries, dried fruits, apples, nuts, granola, brown sugar, bananas....whatever you like in your oatmeal. It was a great texture and the greek yogurt gave it a little extra tartness that went so well with the cranberries.
Prepping for both the salads and oatmeal took me only 30 minutes yesterday afternoon. Now I'm set for the rest of the work week. That was a phenomenal feeling. It took the same amount of time to clean the kitchen as if I'd only made one salad so that's a definite plus in my book.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Fantastic attitude!!!!!!
I love your preplanned meals with the oatmeal and the salads with protein!!! Good job...sounds incredibly healthy!!!
Doesn't it feel great to feel in control? Ahhhhh....stay warm inside, but have fun with your doggies out in the snow!!!!
We don't get any snow here...have to drive several hours to find any. It's so beautiful...even to see pictures of it and to hear about it!
I have been seeing those mason jar salads on Pinterest. I was thinking about doing them too! Let me know how long the lettuce holds up in the jar, day, week, etc. I love the name of the place you went to eat. Fire & Vine, it does sound expensive but so posh too! Get ready for some iceberg cold air coming your way. I did not wear enough clothes today!
Nice weather today...just windy, but that is normal.
already took my vits and am working on my water....
my eats for today are...... and miralax and a scrambled egg
snack........... 1/2 protein shake
lunch.............? Not sure
snack..............whatever fruit the cafeteria serves today
dinner..............1/2cup rice and oriental veggies
Have a great day !!