Back On Track Together
Today is a new day
B- 2 boiled eggs/ and oatmeal.
S- Protein & water/fruit or veggies.
L-water, 2nd protein suppl. and yogurt.
D-chili? or salad, will decide later. crystal lite water<br />
S-sm. bg. popcorn, water<br />
Going to try to get some walking in some kind of way. May drop son off at sitters earlier, and walk her complex a few times around. <br />
Have a good Saturday, for those who are off! do something good, or with your family or a friend! Lucky ducks! <br />

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The time did go by fairly quickly, Amen. Was still upset & stressed, and ended up eating 4-5 tea cookies with fudge icing topping. "They were beyond good! I packaged them all up now, so they won't be right in my face tomorrow. I will try to be mindful, and do better on Sunday. I only work 4-hrs! ;-( but I can get home early before I pick my son up, and do my homework. I have essay to get done.
I did get walk in, and yes it was so chilly, but I got it in!! day 5 of exercise! It felt good, breathing in that cold fresh cold air. The sun was really out, thank goodness.
My food plan changed slightly, for Dinner I had HC-frozen entrée water plain.
17 grams of protein

I am glad you made it trough the day. I often wonder why the foods that are so bad for us taste so good. I am trying to keep sweets out of the house because I have little to no will power. However this is hard to do when you have children. I must say I am proud of my self for my accomplishments for yesterday. Also my husband came home with a Dark chocolate Kit Kat for me yesterday and I refused it. Hopefully it warm up and I will get out for a walk later. I was worried I bed sore from the gym yesterday, but thanks goodness I am not. Have a great day, pay it be peaceful and productive. Also the HC entrees are great, bu****ch the carb content. I love them, but I try to find the ones that are lower in carbs.