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Friday, October 25th, Cardio & Cafe

on 10/24/13 10:47 pm - Senatobia, MS

Happy, Happy, Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!

I got up this morning so happy that it was Friday, then my hubby informed that it was 2 months until Christmas.  I almost had a panic attack!  I am not ready this year at all.  I feel that I have been dragging my feet all year over holidays.  I guess I feel that the year(s) are moving too fast now and I want to slow them down.  But never the less, I guess I will start some Christmas shopping tomorrow and see what is out there.  My eats for today are:

Breakfast:  Coffee & Miralax

2nd Breakfast:  Oatmeal

Snack:  Vitatop Brownie

Lunch:  Quest Protein Bar

Snack:  Vitatop Brownie

Dinner:  Chicken Salad on Wheat Thin

Snack:  S.F. Pudding

Exercise:  Going to Wally World

I hope everybody has a wonderful Friday and a great weekend too!  Don't forget those vits and fluids.


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

Shelia J.
on 10/25/13 12:06 am - Norfolk, VA

Good morning friends,


Tess...thank you for the well wishes on Wed.  Appointment went ok.  I have a question:  Do you buy your Vitatops from their website, or someplace else?  How much is shipping?  Do you buy the sugar free, and have you tried (I'm guessing you have since I know you love your chocolate, lol) the chocolate with the choc chips?  I'm finally gonna break down and buy some (finances have been tight lately).  Thanks, and have a great day =)

SW: 344  LW: 167  RGW: 238  CW: 160.5  GW: 160





on 10/25/13 12:46 am - Senatobia, MS

I started off buying them at Walmart and I still get the vitatop brownies there, 8 to a box for about $4.50.  The brownies are not as chocolate tasting as I like.  I buy the Deep Chocolate ones online from the company.  Only thing is that I buy about $50.00 worth to get the free shipping.  I keep them in the freezer and take them out one at a time.  You also may be able to find them in any big chain grocery store.  The larger muffin tops have 100 calories each but are so filling with lots of fiber and 5 gr. of protein too.  I love them.  Bryant who use to post on here got me started on them about 1 1/2 years ago.  They come in about 12 flavors but I am just hard core chocolate.  I have to get my fix where ever I can.

I glad your appointment with ok.  Have a great day!


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

Shelia J.
on 10/25/13 3:34 am - Norfolk, VA

Thanks, Tess.  When I re-read my post, I realized that "one" question turned out to be 4 or 5, lol. 

SW: 344  LW: 167  RGW: 238  CW: 160.5  GW: 160





on 10/30/13 2:21 am - Petoskey, MI
I buy the muffin tops at Meijer, a big chain store in Michigan. They're in the freezer section. They only have two flavors and I like them both-- deep chocolate and banana chocolate chip. They are 100 calories and have protein and fiber but also higher net carbs. They're a great treat. Like Tess, I keep them frozen then thaw them in the microwave or on the countertop.

on 10/25/13 3:38 am - lakeside, CA

Good morning BOTTs.

Happy Friday!!!

2 months until Christmas!?!?! EEEEEEEEEK!!!  Wow...I agree with Tess that time is just flying by, it seems as tho every year is going by faster than the last.  It used to be a lot more fun and easier shopping when my kids were little. 

I was able to keep control of the mindless binge monster last night again, whew.  An almost instant reward for it is that I feel better in the mornings too.  Must.  Keep.  Focused.

Breakfast:  protein shake

Snack:  15 raw almonds

Lunch:  greek yogurt and baby carrots

Snack:  pure protein bar

Dinner:  fish taco and fatfree refried beans w/LF cheese

Snack:  celery and peanut butter 

Exercise:  Beautiful 45 minute walk during my lunch break

Have a great weekend friends.  If I start to falter over the weekend, I am going to read thru some of our threads to help get my head back in the healthy life game.

You guys are great! 




on 10/25/13 5:41 am - powells point, NC

Hey Gang!! I must confess that I missed yall yesterday. I made the decision not to go online at all yesterday. It was GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I've ever enjoyed a day off as much as I did yesterday. I've got a clean house, a full bird feeder, 2 casseroles in the freezer and a season of Private Practice on Netflix to show for it. Never once did I venture into the kitchen looking for something to eat. I wish I could say that today at work. YIKES!

Breakfast:  Oatmeal  (trying to get David to eat before he leaves for work)

commute: coffee

Breakfast #2 :  1/2 bacon, egg & cheese biscuit (co-worker decided to feed us)

Lunch:  2 potato wedges, a roll & lg part of a chicken breast

grazing:  handful of multigrain cheerios

grazing #2 : some weird tasting piece of chocolate

Dinner: Dinner salad

Oh Lord it's been a bad eating day. Stres**** me in the face when I walked in to 14 office computers that were down. It's been a slippery slope since then. Tomorrow will be better. I'll be home and in control.  I hope I can reign in the grazing monster before I get home. Tonight is our neighborhood hayride and bonfire. The kids are doing the trick or treating too!!! I did buy the candy that I don't like --nerds, airheads and smarties. One of my favorite little neighbors is HIGHLY allergic to peanuts and these are the candies that he loves. Whatever is left goes home with him. My kids want to go out for Pizza afterwards so I'll opt for a salad. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

- Iris


Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.

Highest      Surgery    Lowest      Current                                                                 

 314.5          294          208        258.4

on 10/25/13 5:59 am - lakeside, CA

Iris, what a wonderful day off you had!!  It's nice to be unplugged from the computer once in a while!!  I can usually avoid it on the weekends and if I could only turn off my cell phone, I would be free free free!  I just can't do that tho...I would kick myself if one of my kids or parents needed me and couldn't reach me  A definite sign of the times. 

Work sounds crazy for you!  Good thing it's Friday!  I had to laugh at your grazing #2 comment "some weird tasting piece of chocolate".  If I do that, sometimes I wonder "why didn't I just spit it out??"  haha...love your honesty!  Smart move with the candy purchasing...I remember one year, before surgery, I did that with little packets of candy corn.  Well, by the time Halloween rolled around, I was an avid fan of the icky little candies!  at myself. 

Have a fun time tonight with the neighborhood hayride and bonfire!  It sounds like so much fun!!

Enjoy your salad!  You can do this!!!!!!



Shelia J.
on 10/25/13 1:09 pm - Norfolk, VA

Good evening BOTT friends,


Long day, but I'm settled in for the night and have lots of horror movie choices available, including Netflix (Iris?).  Tess, the years are just speeding by!  A long time ago, they used to say that age gave you the feeling that time was going by faster, but nowadays even kids say that time seems to be going faster.  Seems like once Halloween gets here, the rest is just a blur.  BTW, I found several markets nearby that carry Vitatops, and I'll be seeking them tomorrow.

Gaby:  Good for you for staying in control the last few nights.  Hope your weekend comes and goes with you standing on the carb monster's chest, making the victory sign!  You CAN do it :)

Iris:  Glad you enjoyed your extra day off.  Your neighborhood festivities sound like fun!  I will be donning my costume and handing out candy in my yard this year.  Normally, I walk the neighborhood with the kids, but can't do the extra walking this year.  But compared to last Halloween (that was the day I broke my back at work) this one will be a winner...no bed rest with my back brace on, YEA!!

Just finished my recumbent bike workout, 61 minutes covering 9.3 miles.  Today I ate:


B:  5 strips low sodium turkey bacon, coffee with Splenda and 4 tbsps SF creamer

S:  1/3 c pistachios (measured in shell), coffee with 3 tbsps SF creamer

L:  3/4 KFC grilled chicken breast, 1 c cooked collard greens

S:  1/2 c above collards  (trying to get more vegs in)

D:  5 ozs lean beef burger on sandwich thin, 1 slice RF cheddar, mustard, 1 tbsp each ketchup and relish

LNS:  medium banana


Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Goodnight friends :)

SW: 344  LW: 167  RGW: 238  CW: 160.5  GW: 160




