Back On Track Together
Day 4 of Pouch Test
Day 4 and down another pound. Today is the firm protein day, but I think I'm going to try to stay with mostly liquid protein again today. I feel much more in control of my eating and cravings than I have been in awhile now. Though last night I did struggle a bit with wanting a piece of chocolate. I must be more in control because I didn't give in and the craving passed. That's progress for me, especially since I've been struggling with pain in my back, so it would be easy to feel sorry for myself and just say heck with it. Today's another day and hopefully my resolve will just keep getting stronger. I still have weak moments where I think "oh I will go pick up a burger and fries", then a minute later it hits me...."what are you thinking, you can't have that" I got in a really bad habit of planning what sounded good to eat then running out to get it for lunch almost every day since I've been not working. I think it just became an outing that I looked forward to. I guess maybe out of boredom, stress and loneliness. It's hard to break that cycle! Emotionally eating is tough to break. Thanks for listening and have a good day.
Good job Katy.
It sounds like you are being very honest with yourself. Sometimes that's so hard to do, especially when part of you wants to feel sorry for you. You will keep getting stronger and just keep in mind that cravings do pass. I am struggling with slider carb cravings (pretzels & crackers) right now, and boy can they be strong! I just have to be stronger and realize that the sun will still come up tomorrow even if I don't give in to my cravings. : )
Breaking bad habits together seems like a great plan. Three cheers for this forum!