Back On Track Together
good carbs? bad carbs? ANY carbs?
on 6/21/13 1:43 pm
Just trying to get my meals in order. I am 13 yrs out and trying to lose the 80+ pds I have gained back since. I know it is high protein, low carbs but I have noticed some veg and fruit are high in carbs. and sugar. I have been using my fitness buddy to help kep track but I can not seem to stay within the goals. I am usually not enough cals, 15 over in fats, sugar and carbs. not by a lot but still it dosnt seem like it is balancing out. I eat mostly veggies and a lot of fruit. recently found tofu that I like. I do not use any protein powder because quite honestly I cant afford it.
if anyone uses that site, do you set your own goals and if what what are they? Thanks!
My routine is similar to Tigs'. I usually eat berries and cantaloupe, and the occasional apple. Vegs are always non-starchy, and I have one protein shake a day, most days. You can google low carb vegs, low-glycemic fruits, etc. for lots of ideas and menu plans. I do it all the time because I need variety, and variety is what keeps it interesting. I eat now the way I plan to eat hereafter.
on 6/22/13 1:26 pm
I , too, am planning on sticking to eating this way. My children are grown now so I really only cook for me. It was too easy to make a big pot of pasta in thee past. I will look into the fruit info. I just been eating any fruit pretty much. Guess that isn't the best huh? Thank you for you help!
on 6/23/13 1:08 am
I love fruit but thinking maybe I should watch how much and how often I am having thm. My downfall is watermelon. I was under the asumption I could eat this quit freely but guess not huh? Well, again, I am going to look into my fruit more and make adjustments. Thanks again
I love watermelon also, but it is the one fruit I absolutely cannot have around, just like some people can't trust themselves around candy, fresh baked breads, etc. I used to buy a whole watermelon, and it would be gone in less than 2 days (a huge 20 lb melon, and I live alone). I would cut up a big bowl at night and take it to bed with me. I would eat it all night, whenever I woke up, just like taking a sip of water from the night table!
If I wan****ermelon, I'll buy one and give it to my daughter, or my neighbors after I take a small slice. I hate the ones that are sold already cut, so I prefer to buy it whole and cut it myself. Works for me :)
Watermelon is listed as a high-glycemic index fruit. It causes a sharp, erratic spike in blood sugar when eaten alone. High glycemic (GI) fruits should be eaten in moderation, and preferably with low glycemic fruits as in a fruit salad. Check out, or google the high/low glycemic index foods lists. If eaten with low GI fruits/foods, the spike in blood sugar is slower and hunger is lessened. That has been my experience also. I was eating big bowls of watermelon alone, and hungry as a horse an hr. later.