Back On Track Together
Weekly Mini Goal Challenge 04/29-05/05
Weekly Mini-Goal Challenge for short term goals
Focusing on one week at a time, when the big picture seems too overwhelming. Small changes can bring on big results!!
Choose one or more things you want to work on for just this week. Don't set it too high or unreachable!!
Please, make sure your week works for you. Sun to Sat or Mon to Sun, whatever is YOUR week!
You can reach your main goal if you break it into small actionable steps. It could be as easy as 1-2-3!
1) Choose something you know you can do easily.
2) Add more difficult tasks to your plan.
3) These small steps will get you started, motivated & help build routine for long term success!!
Please feel free to post your goals for this week. This is perfect for those of us needing to re-focus and/or get back on track.
Please feel free to check in daily as often as you like! Good luck!!
Thank you, Molly for posting your goals. This is very inspirational.
I've been working on getting myself back on track the last month or so. My eating is better, although I haven't lost any re-gain yet. Also, I have not gained, which is good. But I'm eating better and healthier than i was, and not snacking after dinner.
This week, I'm going to try to lower my calories by 100 each day (from 1600 to 1500). My hubby and I just bought an elliptical trainer on Saturday, so I'm going to start working on doing this at least 4-5 times per week. (I tried it yesterday, and could only do 5 minutes, then rested, and could only do 3 more!). But I plan to incorporate this machine into my currently non-existent workout routine! LOL I was using the excuse of having bad knees and back problems, but they are only going to get worse if I don't do something. I feel the elliptical will be easier on my knees (hopefully!).
Thanks, again!
I know I need to exercise more. So this week's goal is focused on EXERCISE. I will do something to get up and move for at least 30 minutes everyday that's different from my normal dog walking routine. It's time to shake things up.
Monday: Play Wii for at least 30 minutes
Tuesday: YMCA workout
Wednesday:30 minute bike ride through the neighborhood with Buddy.
Thursday: YMCA workout
Friday: Health & Fitness expo during the workday....plan on trying all the exhibits.
Saturday: Gardening & Yardwork. (Plus normal Laundry & housework)
Sunday: Long walk on the beach after church.
Now that I've put the list out there in cyberland I expect some help from yall on holding me to these. Thanks!!!!
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Hope all is well. Today was a bust for me tomorrow is a new day!
My goals this week:
1. Keep my calories in the green 6 days
2. Go to bed by 11:05 four days
3. 15 min spring clean up - 3 days
Monday Check-in:
1. 0/6
2, 0/4
3. 0/3
**20+ min exercise - 0 days
**8+ cups of water - 1 days
Check in often!!