Back On Track Together
Monday, March 25th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botts:
It is a very cold morning in Mississippi and I am back in my sweaters and cords today. My eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Protein Shake
Lunch: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Protein Shake
Snack: S.F. Jello Pudding
Dinner: Protein Shake
Snack: Vanilla Protein Pudding
Have a great Monday, take your vits and drink your fluids.
Gppd morning Tess and BOTTers.
I am back from Ca. food wise I did OK< too many nuts. But I drank too much, beer and wine. So my weight is up ... grrr.... don't we know how this work? I walked a lot, and really did so well on my foods... but I guess empty calories in drinks caused my 4 lbs gain...
Back to the drawing board: protein protein proteins..
coffee with proteins
more coffee
more protein shake
something something .. (veggies and meat)
more proteins
either some salmon with cream cheese or soup...
See you next week.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I know that song and dance real well. I will do great for weeks on end and suddenly the munchies attack. A little there and a little here, not much really until I face the scale and wonder what the heck!!! I am back to pure old protein for the next 3 weeks until my surgery. Got to get the body in high healing gear. I go have my blood work done on Thursday to see how I am doing. See you next Monday!!
Monday, Monday, Monday. We've been super busy at work today. I can't believe I'm just now getting the time to come on and post. It's cold here but the sun is shining....I'll take it. My knees are killing me today. Like a dang fool I decided to really play with the dogs and the soccer ball this weekend. You try playing keep away from an 85 lb pitbull and a Cairn Terrorist.
Commute: Coffee
Breakfast: BlueBerry French Toast (the girls at work made it)
Lunch: Corn Chowder & lemon pie
Dinner: Grilled Chicken & Salad
Lots and lots of decaf iced tea. Got the morning half of the vitamins in. Going for a long walk after dinner.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Isn't it amazing that we get to feeling pretty good and think that we are twenty something again. I tried to move some furniture around this weekend, the mind was really but the body said "it ain't happening". I will wait until hubby can help me next week.....By the way, blueberry french toast sounds awesome...........
Cairn "Terrorist"? Funnee!! I miss my baby so much, but I am healing. She passed away when I was on a day trip to gamble in Atlantic City. Found she was gone when I came home, and she was still warm. She was almost 13, and was a beautiful buff colored ****er Spaniel. Her name was "Sandy". She had a bad heart, so I knew it was coming, and I really think she waited until I wasn't there.
It's just that every time someone shows such playfulness and fondness for dogs, especially, it brings back such warm memories.
I had her cremated with the express wish to my family that when I go, our ashes are to be mixed and sprinkled over my beloved Chesapeake Bay. Period. I can dry my eyes now.
BTW, I agree with Tess, that blueberry French toast sounds heavenly!
I lost my beloved Gus this summer. He was a 13 year old Black lab. The day I brought him home my husband looked at him and just grinned "Oh you've brought me a hunting dog!!" "Nope, he's my dog." and that he was. He came from a championship bloodline of hunting dogs. But the big wimp was terrified of guns. You could get the bb gun out and he'd run and hide. For whatever reason, Gus and I bonded like no other dog I've ever heard of. He became my comforter and when Kevin died suddenly my poor Gus wouldn't go back in the house. If I needed to go in for those first few days he'd walked behind me and just shake and howl. I know that was his way of grieving. Like your Sandy, he waited until we had all gone to church. He was fine when we left but gone when we came home from services. I still feel like part of me is missing.
My Cairn Terrorist is named Daphne. She's a hoot and a half. I think it's just a terrier thing but my goodness she's bossy. My poor ole granddog would try and go to sleep this weekend but Daphne would just leap on to her and force her to play with her. I love my fur babies. If nothing else they keep us entertained and the house is never empty with them under foot.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
And you are so right with your last statement! I haven't gotten the nerve to get another dog. Sandy was my heart (my kids always said she was my favorite:) She was there to comfort me when my husband died in 2004, and I lost her 2 years later. I will do it again, the next time with a shelter dog.
My condolences on the loss of your loved ones, Kevin and Gus. I'm certain Gus and Sandy are frolicking somewhere with all the others over that "Rainbow Bridge".
P.S. Weird thing though. Twice since she's been gone, I "heard" Sandy bounding down the stairs with her tags rattling as she always used to do, and settle down in the dining room behind me as I washed dishes. My husband passed away at home too, but haven't seen anything or heard anything from him (not that I expect to). The mind can play very funny games at times....
I still have my big lab that I love dearly, but when she goes I am getting a rescue dog too. I found a web site for the greater chicagoland cavaier rescue. They have a lot of King Charles Cavalier Spaniels that are 6 or 7 years old and come from an Illinois commercial breeders after they are done having many litters. They put the mom dogs into foster homes for rehab and to get used to people. Then they are put up for adoption. Some appear to be in pretty bad shape while others are quite adoptable. I figure that I can take a dog with some issues because I have a quiet house now that the kids are on their own. We can give a dog a lot of love and a comfortable couch in her retirement. Tri

That is a lovely idea, Tri. Thanks for the info. There's a shelter near me, but I avoid it because it just saddens me to see so many abandoned animals. Being that I am still not working, and receiving only partial pay from workers comp (and my condition is still not stabilized), I will have to wait awhile before I get another "baby". But it will happen, eventually :)