Back On Track Together
Friday, March 22th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botters:
No snow here in my neck of the woods, just wet, cold rain. ugh!!! It is Friday. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Fridays. My day has start off good and I am feeling pretty good. I am up a few pounds in weight, hopefully, a lot of fluid retention and not those salty peanuts I have been eating late at night for the last three nights. My Bad. My planned eats for today are:
Breakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Snack: Banana Muffin Quest Bar
Lunch: Brownie Quest Bar
Snack: Brownie Quest Bar
Dinner: BBQ Chicken Casserole
Snack: Chocolite Pecan Clusters
Be sure and take those vits today and drink your fluids. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
Tess--I'm also thinking it's fluid retention form the salty peanuts. Maybe up your fluids, hide the peanuts, and don't weigh yourself in for a few days
My day has started off well, too. DH woke me up at 5:20 (it was supposed to be 20 to six) this morning and I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes. It feels great to have formal exercise done for the day.
My eating plan for the day is:
B Protein coffee
S Grapefruit, pepper jack cheese
L Steak with grilled mushrooms and onions
S Protein pudding
D Chicken with zucchini, yellow squash and mushrooms
S Quest bar
Enjoy your day!
Good evening BOTT friends,
Tess, I agree about the fluid retention from the peanuts. Happened to me too, but I don't like unsalted peanuts unless they're the kind you roast yourself. So I just stick with my natural almonds or a few walnut halves.
I'm on day 2 of my antibiotics, and it feels and looks like the swollen lymph node is shrinking. As for missing the procedure on my back, I'm kinda "on the fence" about going through with that one, so the reschedule allows me more time to research and maybe get a second opinion.
I'm posting early tonight so I can lie back and enjoy a pay-per-view movie. So today I ate:
B: protein bar, 14 natural almonds
S: sliced cucumber with vinegar, S&P
L: egg salad with bacon bits on sandwich thin
S: protein shake made with almond milk
D: 6 ozs grilled sirloin and onions, small baked sweet potato
Going to work on finishing my water for the day and get ready for my movie. Sweet dreamzzzz everyone!
Good evening botts:
I am up and down all the time so I just change my weight on the health tracker when I hit a new low and I know it will be back the next day and then back off the day after that. If I'm eating right and moving I lose weight.
Spring has finally arrived in Wisconsin. No snow on the 10 day forecast!!!! I thought we were never going to see grass again. Today was so beautiful and sunny I took my big dog outside for a fun walk. I love sunshine. I can't wait to watch the garden start to grow again. I hope you all have a great weekend. Tri
B: 1/4 c egg beaters, 1 slice fat free cheese, sandwich thin 160
S 2 clementines and veggie soup 105
L: spinach/tomato/cucumber salad, 1 can tuna, 1/2 cup pasta, 1/2 cup chopped celery, 2T light Miricle Whip 275
S: 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese, apple 160
D: 2 tilapia filet, corn meal, 1/2 c pasta, 1 slice fat free cheese, spinach/tomato/cucumber salad 465
S: grapefruit, veggie soup and peanut chewy protein bar 315
exercise: 1 mile walk with dog, picked up house, 2 loads of laundry, 2 hours shopping