Back On Track Together
Thursday, February 14th, Cardio & Cafe
Don't you just love CLICK? I need to order some more for my junk drawer at work. Makes for a healthy afternoon coffee break. I seem to drink more in the warmer months because I love it as iced coffee.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
I have only had it mixed with my Protein, but I LOVE iced coffee and was always going to try it. With your comment, I'm gonna make me some this weekend! I only have the vanilla left but that should be a good iced coffee. I need to get some more chocolate - it's sooo zummy in my shakes as coffee taste is a different variation from the same old shake everyday.
You go girl! Look that pizza in the eye and laugh and walk away!!!! I heat up my quest brownie bars in the microwave for about 16 seconds. To me it taste just like a chewy warm brownie out of the oven. If you do not heat them up, they are really dense and almost impossible to eat a whole bar in one sitting. In the summer when I am traveling, I lay a bar on the dash of my van and it is really warm and yummy by the time I get ready to eat it. Have a Happy Valentine's Day.
You know...the pizza really didn't bother me that bad! I was pleasantly surprised. I did have some smoked turkey in addition to what I posted, so I was full so that might have helped. "Back off pizza"...Super Sleeve was on the job today....bahahaha!
Warming up the brownies sounds even better and it's good to know they are really filling! I have a $10 rewards card from the Vitamin Shoppe so I'm totally getting those tomorrow...thanks for the tip!! Happy V. Day to you too!
awwwww...thanks Edie! Usually when I set my mind to something I'm pretty strong, but I've been known to throw caution to the wind. So I have it in my mind to stay strong to the end; I so want to get to goal!! That was the plan originally and I got derailed by the joy of losing weight and being smaller and shopping for new clothes and just the thrill of it I lost site of the end result. But I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel....walk with me girlfriend - we can do it!!
Happy V day to ya!
Tess, that was an impressive workout last night...7.5 incline - um...were you walking straight up??? haha! I don't think I've ever touched the incline on my treadmill...seems like it would be wayyyy too difficult (lol - I crack myself up sometimes!) But then I'll do Zumba for 1.5 hours and then do a Bodypump (weighflifting) session for another hour. go figure
You are so close to goal - that's fantastic!! Good for you!
:B: egg beaters, reduced fat cheese, turkey, whole wheat roll, Italian dipping oil 300
S: grapefruit and Greek yogurt 150
L: veggie soup, salad, reduced fat cheese, chicken, rice 370
S: banana and cheesecake 200
D: veggie soup, salad, chicken and rice 300
S: nut chewy protein bar 200
S: sf/ff cheesecake 120
cook 24 qts. chili and bake cookies for homeless people, bake heart cookies for my husband
take out trash and recycling, pick up yard from dog, dishwasher and pick up house
wash bedding and make bed
learn music for at least an hour