Back On Track Together
Monday, February 11th, Cardio & Cafe
Every time you want something sweet, drink a 25 calorie cup of hot chocolate. If you want something salty then eat a "few" nuts. I always try to satisfy my "hunger" with fluids first, protein second and then either try the above or get out of the house. Also, someone on the other board stated once that before you can detox yourself, you must first detox your house.....
B: croissant 130
S: minestrone soup 200
L: chicken breast, cucumber and whole wheat dinner roll 300
S: nut chewy protein bar 200
D: soup, salad, whole wheat dinner roll, chicken breast, cheese, crackers, sf pudding 600
exercise: grocery shop, laundry, unpack from vacation, walk/bike and swim 6 minutes each, pick up house and empty dishwasher.