Back On Track Together
Thursday, January 31th, Cardio & Cafe
We are in the deep freeze in WI..brrrrrr! We are going south next week and I can't wait. I had an endoscopy last spring that showed a wide open stoma and found out earlier this month that my insurance co. will only do 1 bariatric surgery in a life time. I put the pictures on my profile. If you look at the valve in picture 1 that is going into the pouch. It is tiny and is what a normal stoma is supposed to look like too. Picture 2 is my stoma and you can understand why I am constantly hungry. Food never pauses in my pouch. Actually I had a wide open stoma shortly after surgery. So I am in a funk. Obviously I eat differently than most of you, but I have to just graze all day (to stabalize my blood sugar because the food enters the intestines immediately and causes spikes). If I count calories I can still lose weight. I am just constantly hungry and so it is just harder than before surgery not easier for me.
B: 1 oz. real cheese and a small croisant 250
S: Greek yogurt 130
S: nut chewy protein bar 190
L: chicken breast and a small croisant 280
S: zucchini, banana, soup 170
D: chicken breast and a small croisant 280
S: pure protein bar 190
S: grapefruit 80

Hi Tri Harder:
I looked at your pictures. I think if I were in your situation, I would get me some Adipex to help control my hunger for a couple of months until my new eating plan becomes a habit and then you would not have to fight the constant hunger in the beginning. I am sorry that you can not have a revision to have the stoma repaired. It is almost like you haven't had surgery at all.