Back On Track Together
Friday, January 25th, Cardio & Cafe
TGIF Botts:
Has this been a long week to you? It certainly has been for me. I think I could sleep until noon tomorrow, I think I may do just that. My eats today are:
Breakfast: Coffee w/Miralax
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: 1/2 Turkey Sandwich
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Green Grapes
Dinner: BBQ Chicken Flatouts
Snack: Vitatop
I hope everybody has an awesome Friday! Chat with you later.
Good morning Tess and Botts:
Yes, Tess I agree it has been a long week!! And I'm so happy it's F-R-I-D-A-Y!!!!!
It's only 15 degrees here in CT, last night it got down to 8 degrees with the wind blowing.
Anyway, I'm going to make it a good one, and I hope you all do too. I'll be sleeping like this tomorrow.
Eats for today:
PRE-BREAKFAST: Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee each cup made with 1 pkt. of Raw sugar, and about 1/4 cup of 2% milk
I ALMOST made my water quota yesterday! I came up short 1 bottle So I drank 84.5 oz of water
So the GOAL is to make that quota of 6 bottles of water today, each flavored with a sugar-free Hawaiin Punch flavor packet. That equals 101.5 oz of water!!
BREAKFAST: 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1 splenda packet, and 1/3 cup of 2% milk, with 1 TBSP peanut butter
LUNCH: Salad (yesterday's lunch(leftovers) with buffalo skinless chicken, grape tomatoes, carrots, onions, romaine lettuce, and blue cheese dressing (about 1/4 cup)
DINNER: Taco Bell, 1 Doritos Taco, no sour cream, and 1 corn salsa
I am really impressed with your ability to lose your regain weight, I had surgery almost 4 years ago and did really well for the first 3. I got married and my husbands poor eating habits lead to me regaining 20 pounds. I am struggling to get back on track. I started back drinking my water, drinking my protein, cutting out the junk food and exercising. I lost my job so I am not able to see my physician for my B-12 shots or visit my surgeon. what do you suggest?
Take it one day at a time. I did not know how long it would take me to lose the weight but I was determine to lose it. I went back and looked at all the newbies and saw what they were doing and knew they were surviving on small amount of calories with extra protein so I made up my mind I could do it too. It is not as easy as the first time but every night I would thank God that I made it through another day. As the weight starting coming off, I was getting more excited and walking became fun. I would push myself more and more each day. Sometimes I add 100 steps and sometimes another 1/2 mile. Whatever I thought I could do at that time. I ended up at 4 miles a day or 1 hour of walking. It took me 9 months to shed 70 lbs., 1 year later, I am still keeping it off. You can do this if your mind is made up. Good luck to you.
Staying inside today, avoiding the cold and snow, at least the sun is out today. Sore from my fall yesterday so I'm not exercising til next week. It's all I can do to hobble around the house, LOL.
Here's my eats for today:
B: cheesy eggs w/ salsa
S: chicken in tomatoes
L: hamburger w/ pickles and cheese on salad
D: bbq country ribs & half small potato & broccoli
S: not sure yet
Have a good day everyone!

I don't like being cold. In my former FAT life I was never cold. I would wear tee shirts on days like today and normally never wore a coat. I don't think I even owned a scarf or sweater. I'm now the queen of dressing in layers. Anything to stay warm.
When I first started posting on this thread someone asked me about my vitamin levels since I only take mine once a day. I've always accepted the lab report that they were normal with some "lows" when it came to my D levels. Well -----that may not be the case, I was supposed to follow up with the doc about my knee yesterday afternoon. And to some extent I did....just not that doc. (His solution for my knee was to try and write me a prescription for vicodin and tell me it would be okay and that my goal and plan of a pound to 2 pounds of weight loss per week was unrealistic) So when I was leaving I asked one of the nurses about a P.A. that had been in the practice that I really, really, really liked. She discretely let me know that she had joined the practice just down the street that lo and behold has a nutritionist, endocrinologist, pharmacy and the whole kit and kaboodle. So I called. She saw me yesterday afternoon. She is so good at what she does. Going in early Tuesday morning to have fasting labs drawn and she is checking everything that can possibly be checked from a blood draw. She's fairly certain the D and B-12 are going to be low and possibly the thyroid (big time family history). She even said that the low levels would explain the joint pain, the fatigue and depression. So glad I found her again. I'm looking forward to good health again.
Wake up: small coffee with splenda & french vanilla creamer
commute: Crystal light lemonaid (30 oz)
Breakfast: McD's sausage burrito & another 30 oz lemonaid
snack: 6 vanilla wafers
Lunch: Corn chowder & orange
snack: apple
Dinner: Steak & baked potato & small salad (The Dear one has a birthday least it's not spaghetti)
I'm high on my carbs today.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
I do worry about you - that you do not take enough. But I did not wanted to be a pest and bug you too much about it.
I know that I could never take all my vits and minerals in 1-2 dosages.
As RNY we need at least 2 x complete multi. on top of that we need an additional calcium - calcium citrate - 1500-2000 per day, and Vit D. VIt K - I know I am low unless I take additional. And Vit K is not only responsible for blood clotting - but it is absolutely essential for bone health - K2.
And there is the A, and iron... even though I don't have periods anymore - I had to have iron infusions 2 years in a row.
I hope you get good help. if not - there are some people here or on RNY board that can help you.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Pester away....The thing about our journey is that we are constantly learning & educating. If pestering helps somebody make that doc appt before irreversible damage has been done then you've done that person a tremendous favor. I'm thinking that your gentle suggestion made me rethink some things and I was certainly not willing to take what one doctor said as law and gospel.
Prior to my RNY I probably wouldn't have noticed that I was feeling less than 100% as I had no inkling what it felt like to feel good. I got up after hitting the snooze bar a number of times. Went to work. Came home and threw a quick fix dinner of some caliber on the table. Then I went to sleep. Only to get up and do it all again. Weekends were spent almost entirely in my pjs. I was alive but I certainly wasn't living.
I will get to the bottom of this. I am the one who is responsible for my body and my health (physical, mental & spiritual). If you haven't figured it out yet, I can be a force to be reckoned with. But please, please, please call me out when you see me wallowing around in my own self-sabotaging misery. It's one thing to make a's a whole different story to repeat those mistakes and allow them to develop into bad habits. I've had a lifetime of those. I'm ready for a lifetime of good stuff. I have to want the good stuff more than the crappy stuff though.
Sorry for the rambling. I hope you can understand it. Thanks.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4