Back On Track Together
Monday, September 10th, Cardio & Cafe
Are you ready for 90 days back on track? Let's all get in shape for the holidays. My weight this morning is 156. I am cutting my calories back to 1000 a day and I am walking 3 miles a day. My goal is to reach 145 by the holidays. Come on board with me and lets get BACK ON TRACK!
Exercise: 3 mile walk in neighborhood-DONE
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Chocolate Protein Shake
Snack: 1/2 PB Quest Bar
Lunch: Chocolate Pure Protein Bar
Snack: 1/2 PB Quest Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Dinner: Grill Chicken & Green Beans
Snack: Special K Strawberry Crisps
Calorie total 980 calories for today.
Have a great day, a great beginning and remember to take your vitamins and drink lots of fluid.
I am in for the challenge, but i will post weekly.
My diet is pretty much the same every day - low carbs, low sugar, 6-7 meals a day, mostly proteins and veggies. Some nuts.
I want to start more scheduled and structure exercise.
I am pretty much OK where I am but if I lose up to 10 lbs - that will be fine too.
The main goal:
is to be Fit, Happy and Healthy.
To me that means that I need to stay away from sugar and starches (and it is not as easy as it sounds)
I need to stay away from wine, diet soft drinks, and things like that.
Make sure I take my vitamins and minerals.
When I stay away from carbs is is easier not to have them, but it is not easy. Every day is a struggle. Evenings are the worst, when I really would like to have some fruits or some wine.
today eats and cardio:
coffee + almond milk
protein shake (egg white proteins + almond milk)
beef roast + pickle
beef roast
1/2 salmon burger with veggies
LNS: cheese + sausage.
exercise: walk - 4 miles.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I know... the magic weight...
On my vacation trip I spent some time watching people. I saw some really thin and very unattractive people and some more "round" ( still average - fit - size 10-16) very attractive people.
That made me think and realized what I really want. And I want to be happy - and active. That also may mean that I may need to stay at my current weight and size.
The "very thin" people I saw - not counting teenagers - the thinner the person - the more unhealthy they looked. Fragile, unhappy. While more "robust" people look more in charge and happy, chubby checks, bubbly personality.
At my current weight and size - I can eat as much as I want (the good for me foods) and not worry about calories (when I stay away from carbs). I have good life, energy, good sex life.
Sometimes when we try to strive for the number on the scale - we forget what is that we are really after. (I know I do).
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Ok, was out of control again today...I hit the vending machine 4 times today within hours: Twizzers, Cheese Nips, bag of Skittles, bag of Lay Potato Chips. I also had a 90 calc Brownie on the subway home and just downed a Ice Cream Sandwich.
This was all out side of my actually food!
PreBreakfast: Ice Coffee with Med's
Breakfast: Protein Smoothie with Miralax added in
Snack: Coffee 1 cup
Lunch: Chicken Vesuvio (which I wasn't impressed with)
Snack: Twizzers, Cheese Nips, bag of Skittles, bag of Lay Potato Chips
Snck again: 90 calc Brownie, Ice Cream Sandwich
Dinner: Nothing for now...feeling a little sick.
I know it's all stress eattig, I was just assigned a employee to manage, with all of my othr work. And it all has to be within the time I am in the regular time/no more overtime is allowed. Plus school starte for me today!!
So, to keep things honest I put on weight over the weekend so this evening right now I start my 90 day back on track.
Weighing in this evening at 5:45pm I am 207.3 pounds.
Goal is to get to 180 to 175 (27.3/32 pounds to lose).
Tomorrow is a new day!!!!!