Back On Track Together
Wednesday, July 18th, Cardio & Cafe
I know that hump day comes around every week but it sure seems to come around quickly though. I did my 2.5 mile walk around the neighborhood this morning and greeted the sun as it made its appearance. My eats for today are:
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Just the Cheese
Lunch: Steak Taco
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: Pure Protein PB Bar
Dinner: Tuna Salad
Snack: Vita Top
Have a great day and remember to take your vits and drink your fluids.

Have been doing pretty good at holding onto my focus...Still self-checking when I feel my hand reaching out to have just "a taste" of something not on plan, taking a moment to ask my self why I think I need to eat it and backing off the ledge before putting it in my mouth...
Breakfast : protein coffee
Snack : tbsp of pb, licked right off the spoon & a fru-fru coffee
Lunch : baked pork chop, grits & maybe 1/2 a scone (breakfast for lunch?)
Dinner : protein shake
Cardio :

Have a great day

Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
Im back from the beach. Unfortunately, not really back on track yet. I didnt do too bad, thank God for restriction and dumping to keep me in line. I had alot of guilt one night. The In laws insisted on taking us to one of those huge AYCE seafood buffets. They know I cant eat that much. I had one plate and felt sick. I got up to make another plate thinking I could push the food around and make it look like I had another one, but I couldnt do it. I felt bad they spent the money on me, but come on! they know me and know I cant eat that much. I just felt bad.
And since just coming back money is tight until the weekend. I want to try Paleo as thats what my trainer is suggesting. Bascially low carb which Im very familiar with, but cant afford to go shopping. So, it will have to wait until Monday.
Today Im going to just try to eat like a normal, healthy person.
Boot camp tonight if it doesnt get cancelled due to heat.
Have a great day everyone!
I hope today is a beter day. Yesterday I learned that the clinc that I had iron infusion last year - is part of the Hospital system and instead of copays - I now need to use my deductable (high) before my insurance will pay anything. That sucks. Big time. So for me to try to have more energy - I need to go deeper in dept. That's goes my vacation money... Got RNY to feel better -- spent bandle ... and now if it is not one thing then it is another...
Anyway - enough *****ing. At least I have a doc who does allow me to have them when i do not feel right before the iron bottoms out completely.
Eats today:
Coffee + coconut milk (1/2 cup – in 2 large coffees)
9:00 protein shake (coconut milk, proteins, greens - Supperfoods)
11 :30- omelet – frittata, veggies (made yesterday – enough for 4 days- set things up and baked in oven for 30 min, portioned )
2 :00 yogurt + flax + fruit (peach?) _ I may add some coconut oil – or more flax
5:00 – chicken sausage (lean, high proteins) veggies
8:00 – pork loin + veggies if I am home or protein cookies (may see my friends and may need "handy" food)
10:30 – protein cookies or pork loin and veggies… (depends what I ate earlier).
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
A little less hot and humid today, beautiful day really. I must stop weighing myself every morning (the scale can vary from the previous day up 8 pounds!). The ups and downs can really get to me. So back to weighing just once a week. Yesterday I did pretty well:
B - protein coffee
L - veggie salad, ham & swiss roll-ups
S - protein shake
S - skinny mocha latte
D - chef salad
S - hard boiled egg, Zone Perfect protein bar
Another 30 minute walk with the dog.
Well, I'm still low carbing, yeterday I ended up
eating 60 which is too much, trying to stay between
20-35 a day. Did okay yesterday until evening-should
have just gone to bed but it was so hot was hard
to sleep. I gotta stop weighing myself everyday
too, driving myself crazy. Someone told me that
5 lbs a month is what I'll lose now so it's hardly
going to show day to day. It's nice to come here
and know there's others who understand, carb
monster and all.
my eats:
breakfast-2 eggs & low carb bread
lunch-salad w/cheese, chicken,chick peas,veg & ranch
dinner-flounder w/zucchini and parm
1 snapple,16 oz water & 2 coffees w/cream so far

Even - meal at a time...
If one day is bad - the next day is a new day.
If my last meal was not so good - the next one can be better.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."