Back On Track Together
Monday, July 9th, Cardio & Cafe
I hope everybody's computer is still up and running. I had a late start to my day and did not get my walk in this morning. I hope to have it this afternoon. My eats for today are:
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Protein Bar
Lunch: 1/2 Ham Sandwich
Snack: Protein Bar
Snack: Vitatop
Dinner: Chicken
Snack: Ice Cream Bar
Have a great day and don't forget your vits and fluids.
Back to regular schedule... 5 days work - then 2 days home-work...
The weather should be much better this week. I may be able to do some walking. Last week was just too hot.
eats today:
coffee + coconut milk
cold double -protein coffee
veggies casserole
protein cookies
yogurt + protein + peach+ flax
to eat:
some meat and veggies
more meat or fish and veggies
Yesterday I bought some local - beautiful - freshly picked peaches... not sure why - since it took me a week to eat 3 that someone gave me. My RH is sensitive to fruits so I am kind off scared of eating them. Also bought some new apples... still green, small but so nice... And I know I may be able to eat 1 fruit a day - if any... so now I need to decide what I am going to do with the rest of the fruits.
Lost gone are days when I could eat just fruits for a few days.
Exercise: walking (outside - or in if it is raining)
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Hope everyone is surviving the heat wave, it is still smokin hot at my house but looking for a break in the weather by tonight - Ahh blessed relief (I hope

For today:
Breakfast : protein coffee & a homemade cinnamon & butter pastry
Lunch : baked chicken breast & fresh salsa
Snack : protein iced coffee
Dinner : roast beef, sliced gardenfresh

Cardio :

Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
Im over this heatwave too. I usually like the heat, but this is just too much. only 89 today, so it should be cool out! compared to over 100. hopefully we'll just get rain and not a really bad storm again.
Been experiencing some crankyness in the pouch. I have foamed/PB'd (PB is what I called it with the band) twice recently for the first time since rny. Im almost 2 years out and this is just starting. Hope its not a sign of things to come. I did that every day with the band there for months. The foods arent new, maybe Im just not paying attention and eating too fast and not chewing enough. Im going to keep an eye on things.
Eats are going well so far. Need to really up the fluids.
Pure Protein bar
Chicken Caesar salad from Panera
Arnold double protein w/ Skippy Natural
Grilled Chicken wings and couscous
Bootcamp tonight.
Today the weather is really nice, actually able
to enjoy being in the yard for a change!
Trying to stat under 20 carbs so I can lose. Went
a little over, had no idea there were 3 carbs in
a slice of 2% american cheese and I ate 2!
Today's eats:
3 eggs
2 slices american cheese
2 T salsa
1 T canola oil-was too much oil yech!
salad with 1 egg, 2 oz cheddar, 2 T ceasar dressing,
5 olives
1 WW chicken burger with 1 T mayo
1/2 cup zucchini w/1 t butter
Maybe a low carb bar later if hungry
Oh and 4 coffees with half and half (so far)
have a good one everyone!
:D Edie

hI Edie,
Admire your goal to stay @ less than 20 (a day?right), it is SO hard to keep the carbs that low, want to do it myself but a few cups of my fru-fru coffee even with the SF creamer still racks in like 10 all by their lonesomes & then there is still the one in food, rats ...
Just wanted to chime in and say good luck and keep one pushin...
Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
I know I can do 20-30 gr as long as I do not need to count some fiber - like in nuts or seeds - spcially the flax meal. or in my green veggies - like in lettuce or broccollie... just saying.
I can count the carby carbs... but I need my other fiber (real fiber not the protein bars).
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
and count that. Do you count the carbs in eggs
and cheese or just your veggies? I'm wondering
if I need to stick to just veggies carb wise
or can have things like yogurt, berries cottage
cheeseand coco pops (those puffed things from
Wegmans that have 16 calories and 4 carbs) as
long asI include them in my total carbs and
still lose.

But I do count them in everything else.
AS long as things works for you - do not change things. Sometimes when I had a few weeks of really low carbs - I will have a day or 2 of more carbs - as long as my body can handle. That days - in the past allow my body "reset" and thrive on low carb next 2 -3 weeks... In the past - after one "carby" day - that when I would start losing again... I know it is crazy... but that how it worked for me.
this how things worked for me in the past:
I would lose.... and then the weight loss would just slow down....or stop, and then I would have one "crazy day" eat a lot and not pay attention to what and how much..And yes - I ate carbs - real candy and fruits...even ... bread.... I would gain maybe a lb - but in the next 2-3 weeks I would lose 2-4 lbs a week... I called them "reset days" for my body...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."