Back On Track Together
Monday, July 2nd, Cardio & Cafe
Talk about being Hot, it is HOT!!!! I work in a construction trailer during the day and my sardine box was baking already at 7:30 AM. I could bake a cake in it but then I would eat it!

6:00 AM 2 mile walk around the neighborhood
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Quest Brownie Bar
Snack: 100 cal. popcorn bag
Snack: Peaches
Dinner: Roast Beef and green beans
Snack: Ice Cream Bar
I hope everybody can stay cool today and drink plenty of fluids and take your vitamins. Have a great one!
it is hot. There are some people in my area that have no power... I don't even want to think how they manage. But when I was in my late 20's I lived in Greece for 2 years and survived 2 very hot summers with no air where I was staying. And it was in 100's for days at a time... We slept on a beach, in dug-out holes - It was challenging.
Eats today:
coffee + coconut milk
frittata - with more meat than eggs (cooking mistake - still OK - but bit salty)
protein shake
meatloaf + spinach
meat stew.+ veggies
protein cookies
pork loin roast+ mushrooms.
LNS: not sure.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I am very thankful that I didnt lose power with the storms. My little neighborhood has under ground power lines, but just out on the main road, they dont. We are very lucky in that we usually keep power. Most of my friends arent so lucky and have been at hotels or roughing it.
Money is very tight this week, so I'll have to eat what I have on hand. Should make for a decent week at least.
Almond milk/ protein/ instant coffee shake
Pure Protein bar
Slice of Arnold double protein bread w/ skippy natural
Yogurt w/ granola
Not sure whats for dinner yet.
Also not sure if we will have bootcamp tonight since its so hot. If not, I'll hit the treadmill. Want to start running again. Well...trying to run anyway.
Hideho Botts!
sardine lightnin storm out here a few days ago...knocked out power for about 3 hrs...More lightnin storms predicted end of this week. Bring it on...we need RAIN!! if not gonna be out Wednesday doin a rain dance in the back yard...hey exercise right ,-) lol
Here goes:
Protein coffee w/ SF creamer
SF pudding w/ SF metamucil thinned w/ coconut milk
Cheese turkey wraps
tuna w/ NM green chili, chipotle mayo
NM green chili chicken stew (in crock pot this am)
sea salt cashews
64-92 oz CL Pure w/ stevia
vits mins yep
exercise: 45 min aquacise w/ ankle weights, hand weights
sleep: GREAT woohoo!!
stress 1-5 4 ...ungrateful DD drama windin down TG!!