Back On Track Together
Friday, June 22th, Cardio & Cafe
It is a lovely day here in Mississippi, swelling is at a minimum this morning and I feel pretty good. My eats and cardio for today are:
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Pineapple salad
Snack: Protein Bar
Dinner: Burger Bite from Chili's
Snack: Vitatop
Snack: Mini Ice cream cone
Exercise: Going to walk around the Mall this afternoon.
Have a great Friday and remember those vits and fluids.
Hi Tess,, good to hear about your progress...
It is hot and steamy here. It will be hot weekend. Today I am going to get botox.... as much as I hate that - that may help me to delay face lift for another year or so... It does hurt and it is expensive, but I do like the results. My doc is good and she makes sure I still have some face movement and do not look like I put on a mask. One of the side effects is that I can't whistle - but I can live with that.
I also baked some more protein cookies last night - some for me and some for my friend. She wanted some and if I would give her some from my last batch- I would not have much left for me.
Baking late at night and not during the day allows me to keep my house cooler during the day...
Eats today:
coffee + coconut milk
meatloaf small slice + turkey jerky
beef roast + veggies
Yogurt with proteins, flax and blueberries
salad with chicken
LNS: protein cookies or sunflower seeds
I did used the treadmill this morning - 30 min, and I did some housework (30 min). Not much - but it is a good start.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Got a busy weekend, lots to do, should be fairly easy to follow the rules

Breakfast : protein coffee & 3 small puff pastry cookies
Snack : 4 crackers & pb
Lunch : ham & cheese roll-ups & a side caesar from Wendys
Dinner : its date nite with DH, food unknow
Cardio :

Have a great weekend, I'll check in on Monday
Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
TGIF fellow Botts! After yesterdays fiasco ...resettin my Eat-o-meter to 0... today
Day 5 track attack:
Protein coffee w/ SF creamer 140cals... 24gP 4gC
3 apricots 51 cals...1.5g P 10g C
2 TBS raw pumpkin seeds 120 cals...4.5g P 3.5gC
Carbmasters Yogurt 60 cals..... 8gP 4gC
Scoop whey protein supp 120 cals 24gP 3gC
chicken drumstick 112 cals 14gP
1 chicken drumstick 112 cals 14gP
1cup FF cottage cheese 160cals 30gP 10gC
tin smoked oysters cottonseed oil 120 cals 9gP 5gC
Water: 64 oz Great Value w/ stevia 30cals 16gC
Vits + Mins yep
Exercise: not today
Sleep previous night: GREAT
Stress scale 1-5: 3
DAILY TOTALS: Cals : 1040 Protein: 129.5 Carbs : 45.5