Back On Track Together
Friday June 8 Cardio & Cafe - Tess... please update...
As I mentioned before... I am trying to do gluten free and as low - or none dairy as I can... (even whey). I want to try the diet for 2-4 weeks and see if my allergies get better. So far - I lost a couple of lbs, my friend told me that my face looks smaller (puffiness is gone) and I sleep much better.
This morning I woke up at 5:30 and made some protein cookies. (low carb, whey free....) I used egg white protein powder (I used whey powder before - and whey works better) I plan to dry the cookies so I can keep them in my purse or in the car ... They get better a day or 2 after..
eats today:
coffee + almond milk
2 protein cookies
pork with veggies
meat loaf
prot shake
beef with veggies or fish...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I am still hanging around with my little friend "drainy". I have taken him with me to Walmart again and he still is a pain in *ss or should I said the va jay jay but I am getting along better with him. It will still be the 13th or 14th before we part ways though because my drainage output is still around 45 ccs. My eats are for the most part good except for the darn Ritz crackers that came back into my life. I have got to get rid of them. Mostly, I am just bored and I sleep alot. I have been walking in my neighborhood in the evening some. Also, my cat Bella has come up missing since Sunday when the storm came up. I have looked all through the neighborhood and called for her but she has dissappeared. I hate not knowing if she is alive out there or has met with something bad. I am now down to one kitty. Sad. I hope everybody has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend, I may take drainy to the Outlet Mall this weekend "whoo hoo".
And stay away from crackers... get some pork rinds - and nuke and eat them.... they are full of proteins and they do keep me full...
So sorry about Bella... I know when my fur-baby was lost I had a hard time sleeping... But a few fliers, and a few trips on streets near mine - and she was found and returned. I think worse was not knowing... if she is OK, not hurt, not hungry... Hope she finds her way back home.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Pls post recipe for the cookies - the one with protein powder (I'n not keen on the egg white powder)...Thank you

Tess - drainy will be a dreamy figment of your imagination soon & the remnents will be SOOO worth it

Just read a BLOG post on the main page where the author was talking about getting their head wrapped around what they needed to do - struck a real cord with me, that is exactly what I keep struggling with, trying to get it right with the 2 sides talking in my head

B - protein coffee & puff pastry strips with a sprinkling of sugar ( sorta lite waferlike cookie)
S - 4 ritz & a bliss chocolate with pb on top of all of it
L - wonton soup, 1 chicken wing & green beans
D - unknown, its date nite with DH
Cardio -

Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
scroll down - she does amazing job creating new low carb - all natural - high fiber (flax) recipes...
I had to modify the cookies recipe... adding more proteins and more whey powder initially. If that was still not "dense enough" I would add some chopped nuts... But make sure you let it sit a bit - the flax meal will absorb some of the liquid and make it more dense.
For me - even that recipe - I made 24 cookies...
Run the numbers for the stuff you add to make sure what you get. Adding more flax - it sounds good - but too much fiber leaves me bloated... I do love the very dark cocoa flavor... When baked - to me they were more like muffin tops... Taste the bater - if it is not sweet enough -the cookies will be even more bland tasting...
EZ Whey Chocolate PB Protein Cookies
2/8/12 Low Carb Dark Chocolate PB Protein Cookies

1 Scoop About Time Peanut Butter Protein
1 Scoop Chocolate Protein
1 Cup Canned Pumpkin
1 Cup Liquid Egg Whites
1 Cup Natural PB
½ Cup Unsweetened Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder
½ Cup Flaxseed ( I used mix of flaxseeds and flax meal)
Stevia to Taste
1 tsp Baking Powder
Pre-Heat Oven to 350 Degrees
Mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Drop by the tablespoon on to a cookie sheet lined with foil or sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Bake for about 10 minutes or until firm.
Makes About 12 Cookies. (mine yield 24 cookies)
Nutrition Information Per Cookie: 100 Calories, 7 grams of Fat, 4 grams of Carbs, 6 grams of Protein
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Yesterday my eating was so bad I was too embarassed
to admit to it
Today I've had cheesy eggs w/salsa
3/4 of a slice of wheat toast & 1 cold
leftover chicken wing
lunch will be a shake
dinner is chicken stir fry-no rice
if needed later more stir fry later for snack
Sorry about your kitty Tess, and hope you're
feelig better soon.
Everyone have a good day

Happy to see you post. I do dog rescue here in Florida and I go to the county animal controls all the time. Please call the local shelter and if they act like they don't have your kitty, it may be a good idea to send someone to look or you and drainy can go! The reason I say that is because depending on the shelter, they can be rather clueless on what animals are there. I wouldn't just take their word for it. I would leave some tuna on your doorstep too, the smell is strong (in the MS heat, I know!) and perhaps it will entice kitty back. Best of luck and prayers to you. To say I am an animal lover is the understatement of the year. I do dog rescue with my 9 month old baby~I am crazy.
Thanks Hala for the protein cookie recipe, yet another one I see you eat a lot and have been meaning to ask you how to make. Thought of it last night when Bozo the Junk Food Addicted Husband had the chips ahoy in my house. I succombed to 5 plus a snack bag of Doritos and a few mini pizza rolls. I need the protein cookies in the house for when he is eating his cookies. Luckily this indiscretion didn't show up on the scale, still right at 189. But I had done so WELL otherwise. You guys are in my head now~in my everyday life-making me make better choices.
Break - unsalted cashews and 2 string cheese
Lunch - meatloaf and small salad with beans, avocado and green beans with ranch (happily full)
Snack - Protein shakes, perhaps 2 before...
Dinner - a posh place in WaterColor called Fish out of Water. Known for their sushi. have nothing to wear! well a sundress from wally world that i rather like...size juniors 11-13, not too bad i suppose.
get blood test results faxed this afternoon if they are ready...will be posting when received.
have a great bott day!
If you feel that your iron may be low and want iron infusions - tell them how tired you are... when my iron was low - I would drink coffee - sit on a sofa... and fell asleep.. literally. My muscles - specially my legs - hurt and twitch and at evenings I could not sit for more than 30 min - I hate to get up move around and flex the muscles.
I bruised easily. I felt tired, but could not sleep well.. would wake up a few times a night. Felt dizzy when I would get up from a sitting position... sometimes I had to sit back again and then slowly get up and go...holding to things...
Think of symptoms you have now - and write it down... all of them... then once you are with the doc - you can either talk to him about that - or hand him a note... BTW: my memory was really bad...
And remember - that when you get the report - and have a meting with a doc - - you can either can ask for another meeting. Or you can get another opinion - another doc. If you are not happy with this one.
I am lucky - I got a great guy... Hematologist.. Most my docs are great... (I may waste one - max 2 visits on someone that is not great).
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."