Back On Track Together
Monday, April 23th, Cardio & Cafe
Good Morning Botts:
Welcome to Monday again. My eats and cardio for today are:
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Chocolate Unjury Shake
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Pure Protein PB Bar
Snack: Lite Dice Peaches
Dinner: Roast Beef and Green Beans
Snack: NSA ice cream sandwich
Exercise: Walk in neighborhood
Have a great day and don't forget your VITS and FLUIDS!
Welcome to Monday again. My eats and cardio for today are:
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Chocolate Unjury Shake
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Pure Protein PB Bar
Snack: Lite Dice Peaches
Dinner: Roast Beef and Green Beans
Snack: NSA ice cream sandwich
Exercise: Walk in neighborhood
Have a great day and don't forget your VITS and FLUIDS!

Good Morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Cold and rainy here. Needed the rain, but it can stop now and 40 degrees...well, I just dont like that.
Boring weekend. But was nice to just lounge around. Got in an hour walk/jog yesterday. My body is so sore. Soaked in the tub last night with epsom salts. Ive got my right knee in a brace, my left foot tapped up and my lower back sore, ok and my shoulders too. Thinking Im going to hint to the family that momma wants a massage for Mother's day. Never had one. Anyone have any home remedies for soreness? Im using Tiger Balm, Icy Hot...
Didnt eat much yesterday. Guess cause I had an eating fest Saturday. We splurged last night and got Chinese food. I usually do pretty well with it, not that we have it often. I fixed a plate and after a couple bites was just done. Not sick or stuffed. Just didnt want anymore. That was nice.
Anyway, eats for today:
Coffee w/ cream
Quest brownie bar
Maybe Subway today
Pear and Cheese stick
Not sure whats for dinner
Strawberries and SF Hershey's syrup and frozen SF Cool Whip
Bootcamp tonight
Boring weekend. But was nice to just lounge around. Got in an hour walk/jog yesterday. My body is so sore. Soaked in the tub last night with epsom salts. Ive got my right knee in a brace, my left foot tapped up and my lower back sore, ok and my shoulders too. Thinking Im going to hint to the family that momma wants a massage for Mother's day. Never had one. Anyone have any home remedies for soreness? Im using Tiger Balm, Icy Hot...
Didnt eat much yesterday. Guess cause I had an eating fest Saturday. We splurged last night and got Chinese food. I usually do pretty well with it, not that we have it often. I fixed a plate and after a couple bites was just done. Not sick or stuffed. Just didnt want anymore. That was nice.
Anyway, eats for today:
Coffee w/ cream
Quest brownie bar
Maybe Subway today
Pear and Cheese stick
Not sure whats for dinner
Strawberries and SF Hershey's syrup and frozen SF Cool Whip
Bootcamp tonight
Well, I cheated today! So, I am about to put in another 45 minute Wii work out to counter act that 320 calc I eat this was good but I have to pay the price!!!
So, my eats for the day was and will be:
So, my eats for the day was and will be:
Pre-Breakfast: Coffee w/Med’s
Breakfast: Fruit Smoothie w/Fresh Fruit (Frozen)
Snack: Protein Bar/Quest
Lunch: 6 Chicken Asparagus Wraps
Snack: I CHEATED!!! 1 whole pc of Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Cake
Dinner: ½ of a Roasted Mini Sweet Potato, 4oz of Hoisin Flavored Pork Loin & Serving of Green Veggies
Snack: Atkins – 1 cup of Hi Lo – Vanilla Almond Cereal with ¼ Cup of Almond Milk
So, have a good night!