Back On Track Together
Beware....Rant Post Here
Well....... I regained the 5 lbs and added 2 more. My old self has finally, totally, resurfaced. 
I'm so darn mad! Looks like I have to actually go back to the "diet" thing after all. It wasn't too bad until the girl scout cookie fiasco. And then the "eat it all up cause you're going to star****ching what you eat tomorrow" fiasco. Isn't it something how we are totally hard wired emotionally and physically to fill up those empty fat cells? And the mind games we play with ourselves! Mercy
Well... Needless to say I'm going to be posting my food intake each day with you all. Sometimes it will look like it's not the best, most rounded out daily intake, but I have to be accountable somehow. When I'm down to my goal I weigh each day to keep myself on track. When I'm losing weight I only weigh once a week, so, I'm doing the once a week thing now.
And......thank you all for being here on this discussion board! It will really help.
So....I begin my day with a premier 30 gram protein bar and plan a protein shake lunch. I'll have a small dinner with some veggies and a piece of fruit. tonight.
Thanks for reading!!

I'm so darn mad! Looks like I have to actually go back to the "diet" thing after all. It wasn't too bad until the girl scout cookie fiasco. And then the "eat it all up cause you're going to star****ching what you eat tomorrow" fiasco. Isn't it something how we are totally hard wired emotionally and physically to fill up those empty fat cells? And the mind games we play with ourselves! Mercy
Well... Needless to say I'm going to be posting my food intake each day with you all. Sometimes it will look like it's not the best, most rounded out daily intake, but I have to be accountable somehow. When I'm down to my goal I weigh each day to keep myself on track. When I'm losing weight I only weigh once a week, so, I'm doing the once a week thing now.
And......thank you all for being here on this discussion board! It will really help.
So....I begin my day with a premier 30 gram protein bar and plan a protein shake lunch. I'll have a small dinner with some veggies and a piece of fruit. tonight.

Thanks for reading!!

Good Morning Life is good:
I have been in the evil clutches of the girl scouts on many ocassion. This year, I avoided them like the plague. I know my weakness and now you know yours. Today is a brand new start, don't worry about yesterday, don't focus on tomorrow, just concentrate on making it through the day. That will be your victory accomplishment for today. Come here everyday and post your food choices. If you ask what can I improve on my daily food intake we will answer but if not, we will just look. We are the most nonjudgemental board on OH that I have seen and I LOVE IT!!! I wish you great success today.
I have been in the evil clutches of the girl scouts on many ocassion. This year, I avoided them like the plague. I know my weakness and now you know yours. Today is a brand new start, don't worry about yesterday, don't focus on tomorrow, just concentrate on making it through the day. That will be your victory accomplishment for today. Come here everyday and post your food choices. If you ask what can I improve on my daily food intake we will answer but if not, we will just look. We are the most nonjudgemental board on OH that I have seen and I LOVE IT!!! I wish you great success today.
Tess has given you a great perspective....attitude is everything!
I read many vets bemoan the fact that they have to "diet" to maintain....
...I think of my ""naturally thin" friends and I know they watch what they eat every day....when they indulge one day they cut back the next....and they live with reasonableness and moderation....something I think those of us who have been SMO have to aspire to...but it is against our personality type
So.....Yup...I am going to have to "diet" the rest of my life...thats OK...because if I dont I will be unable to maintain this life I now love
Good luck