Back On Track Together
Friday, March 23rd, Cardio & Cafe
I so love Fridays!!!! My eats and cardio for today are:
Prebreakfast: Coffee & Miralax
Breakfast: Chocolate Unjury Shake
Snack: Quest Brownie Bar
Lunch: Quest Coconut Cashew Bar
Snack: Cheese & Crackers
Dinner: Beef & Vegetables Soup
Snack: NSA ice cream sandwich
Exercise: 1 hour walk in the neighborhood
Have a great day and don't forget your vits and fluids.

Good Morning and TGIF!!
Wow, Im sooo tired this morning Ive got a nice matching set of luggage under my eyes today. Plus Im really sore. The trainer really haded me my ass too, so Im hurtin.
Good news though...I lost 2 pounds this week!!! YES!! So, lost that strange 5 pounds and lost 2 new ones this week. DAMN, what a fight Im in, Im beating, sweating and killing it for every single pound.
Eats for today:
Quest Bar...damn hungry today
Coffee w/ cream
Greek yogurt w/ PB2
I have to get out and pick up lunch today. Its sunny and headed to 80 degrees. Supposed to rain all weekend.
Uhh, dinner is up in the air as well...
Looking forward to going home and laying my lazy butt on the couch and watching movies tonight. Have a great weekend everyone!
The workouts are really tough. Ive been working out steadily since Christmas, but being with the trainer, I feel so out of shape. She reassures me though, that its just the change in workout...that no normal person will be in the gym and start doing jumping jacks, burpees or mountain climbers!
Shes really giving me some beatings! LOL I like it though. Im planning on signing up for my first 5k very soon. YIKES!! May 19th. She says I'll be ready...
Tess, that's a nice picture!
Today will be a good day, I booked my airline ticket to go home to see my family in Wisconsin. It's my Spring Break treat to myself haven't been home since Thanksgivng and I was put in the Hosptial than with PE's in both lungs. So, I am just going to hand out with family and assist my mom on painting her condo since my sister and her 3 kids are finally moving in to their own apartment tommorrow (been more than 4 years).
I have a follow up with my Doctor here in NYC to discuss what's up with my blood pressure going up while I am sleeping. My overall soduim for the day is right around a thousand, but something is causing me to be un-balance.
Todays activity is starting the draft of my final paper due on Tuesday at noon!
So, my eats for the day is:
Breakfast: Coffee w/Benefiber
Snack: Fruit Smoothie using Diet V8 Splash and 2 scoops of Protein
Lunch: Protein Bar - Pure Protein Bar/Peanut Butter Caramel Surprise
Snack: Dannon Light & Fit with fresh Strawberrie
Dinner: 4oz of Shrimp and a Coup of Veggies
Snack: Protein Pancake it 1/2 of Fresh Raspberries and Blueberries mixed
TT: 1015 cal/113 Proteins
Working out: 35 minutes with Wii Active Tennis
Have a great day everyone!
Also - bad timing on hormonal response - adrenals. And lets not forget sleep apnea.
Good luck.. hope your doc can find out what is casue that.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."