Back On Track Together
mentor needed
I will be 5yrs out from surgery this year. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who got off track after there surgery but then got managed to get back on track after so many years out. I've been trying weigh****chers but have been gaining and losing 2lbs for 6 weeks now. Ive been measuring and tracking my food.
I got pregnant after 10yrs of fertility and let myself eat everything so I'm back to my surgery weight. I regained every pound. Pretty depressed about it. Revision isnt an option at this time because I can't afford it and OHIP is a long wait/fight. I still dump on sugar especially ice cream and sweet drinks. However I do drink alot of diet pop and eat crap.
Before I got prego I went back to my surgery center and they did a exray swallow test and found out my pouch empties right away and that discourged me even farther. I felt like there was no hope. So I gave up.
When I was close to my goal I couldn't see that I had lost any weight and since I wasn't at goal I sabotage myself. In the 4yrs I have done alot of maturing and realized I wasn't ready when I had surgery and had no idea what an opportunity I was getting. I wasted it.
Now I need a mentor who has lost regained weight. Is there anyone out there????
Please help if so.
I will be 5yrs out from surgery this year. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who got off track after there surgery but then got managed to get back on track after so many years out. I've been trying weigh****chers but have been gaining and losing 2lbs for 6 weeks now. Ive been measuring and tracking my food.
I got pregnant after 10yrs of fertility and let myself eat everything so I'm back to my surgery weight. I regained every pound. Pretty depressed about it. Revision isnt an option at this time because I can't afford it and OHIP is a long wait/fight. I still dump on sugar especially ice cream and sweet drinks. However I do drink alot of diet pop and eat crap.
Before I got prego I went back to my surgery center and they did a exray swallow test and found out my pouch empties right away and that discourged me even farther. I felt like there was no hope. So I gave up.
When I was close to my goal I couldn't see that I had lost any weight and since I wasn't at goal I sabotage myself. In the 4yrs I have done alot of maturing and realized I wasn't ready when I had surgery and had no idea what an opportunity I was getting. I wasted it.
Now I need a mentor who has lost regained weight. Is there anyone out there????
Please help if so.
10/18/07 RNY ( hw 305 sw 290 lw 189ish) St Joe's 08/14/14 RNY reversal to sleeve. I survived 3 leaks,4 operations and a feeding tube.
I was hopping you could do that.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Welcome to the group. One good way to get support is to participate here on the board. We all have our little strugles.. and the support here is great. Tess is one of ou positive examples that we can get back on track. It may take longer, it is a huge effort, but it can be done if you put your mind and body into it.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I am also here after regaining a bit on my own then much more from fertility treatments, three pregnancies, and two beautiful, miraculous babies. My goal was to lose 50 pounds and I have lost 17 so far. I've gained a lot of knowledge and support from everyone here (much appreciated everyone!). I started with the five-day pouch test to go cold turkey off refined carbs and sugars. Now I'm focusing on protein and veggies, plus lots of water. Working on the exercise aspect. You can do this!
i hade my vsg surgery in dec of 09 and i did really good..lost 110 down to 130 and now im up to 160 but thats been since june of last year. ive been off work now for9 months due to a neurological issues..i have very bad dizziness, migraines, hearing loss and nerve damage in my left ear..i have started eating anything and everything bc all i do is sit at home alone..i loooove crackers and bread again..not good..i still dont eat and drink together..that seems to be the only thing i still do,, but it doesnt matter to me if i lose all of the 30 pounnds i just want to feel comfortable in my clothes again..imnot sure when i will be going back to work goin to a neurologist again in 2 weeks for more testing..please any help would be greatly appreciated..thank you