Back On Track Together
I need a Buddy..any takers ?
Let me know what you think!
Stephanie E
BTW I'm from Indianapolis, IN

Wow sounds like your kicking butt on your moving it girl.

I'm so glad we are Buddy's it nice to chat with someone who's been threw this journey and will be for life.
Hey our New England Patriots are going to be out there for Superbowl the city must be a much excitement...
I'll check in with you again today..Hugs Des alias Despinasdream
It's nice hosting the super bowl. We are going downtown on Saturday. I'm hoping to get to ride the zipline. It's something I wouldn't have gotten to be able to do before wls because of the weight limit.
I know I shouldn't be, but I am having trouble getting in all my vitamins. And I am usually the first ones to remind everyone to take their vitamins. But I'm on so much medicine that causes me to space out taking them even more than usual, and I forget to get them all in. I guess I need to go back to keeping a days supply on me at all times. I went back to school this year and am not at home as much, so it's harder to remember.
And I'm struggling to get in all my protein. I think I need to go back to supplementing with shakes. School has just had a major impact on my schedule and I need to get it under control. I'm supposed to have labs drawn this week for my check up with my surgeon and I'm scared as to what it will reveal.
Let me know what I can help you with!
I'm doing ok i weighed myself Monday I lost 4 pounds so far from cutting out flour it's tough I must admit these past few days it was tough I had 1 muffin yesterday blueberry and 1/2 sandwich and a sm plain macdonalds buger 2 nights ago ..but at least it wasn't a quarter pounder and fries like I used to eat, lol well small changes add up , I have been trying to get in my walking 3 times a week, hopefully as soon as its a little warmer I'll be doing it daily again.
I care for elderly ladies one is 91 Sadie sharp as a tack m-w-r and Lois who is so sweet in the begining stages of Alzhimers love them both I care for her I am always on the go
they both are so much fun to care for .
Well off to see sadie I will have my protein drink hot in the am its like hot choc..
Have a Happy Day..Hugs Des
ps and Steph don't beat yourself up one day at a time..we didn't gain weight over night and we aren't going to lose it overnight either..but WE WILL DO IT >>>