Back On Track Together
Just a little rant - 850 cals a day is REALLY hard
Just need to whine a little...I know from reading other posts on multiple sites that the 800 a day goal is fairly standard for most in maintenance trying to lose a few (10) pounds of regain...I figured out my RMR and less 500 day to target 1 lb loss a week means I can eat 850 a day
But man, I really didn't realize how much I was eating throughout the day until I started really tracking again so I could keep it at the 850 mark...Reality is, I'm still not quite getting there & it is frustrating me

I know if I could just cut out my fru-fru coffee (2 cups with extras to jazz it up) & skip the prunes & prune juice, I could easily skim 250 cals off my daily total...Problem is I need the coffee to be human

@4 pounds a month, I've got to keep it up for about 3 months to get back to a point where I can start adding cals again & see if I can maintain that loss...
I can do it, I've seen you guys posting and succeeding, thanks for being my role models

Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
Before you set yourself on the 800, I would suggest you go online and get the formula for figuring your RMR (resting metabolic rate?) use that figure less 500 cals to try and lose weight - That way you won't be killing yourself cutting so low if you don't have too...
Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
prune and prune juice - that is simply sugar plus sugar alcohol ... I don't need that - I use magnesium daily. I get mag with my calcium (50 gr of magnesium for every 100 gr of calcium) and I take additional 800 mag oxide (in capsules - for fast release and absorbtion) every day. as long as I do that - and ge some fiber (1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds, or flatout wrap, etc.) plus enough water - I have no problem with BM. And I am one of these people that used to have a lot of issues, and needed enemas (high enema with clean water) to be able to go.
No anymore. Now i get 1-2 easy BM, a day. Just saying. Now my coffee with some cream - not giving that up.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I like the taste of prunes and would not mind eating 1-2 once and while as a treat btu the carbs and sugar in them really are way out of my comfort range, I just cannot seem to find a better plan...
Actually I read a post in 2010 about taking Mag Ox to make to help with regularity & started on it right away, did work pretty well, was pottying about every 2 days (used is along with my other "helpers" miralax, fiber & flax)...Then I went for my annual with my surgeon, he ran my blood work & whammo, my para-thyroid is all out of wack...Long story short,lots of tests and trail and error, per my surgeon & then my PCD I cannot take any serious dose of magnesium...
I already and forever have been using Miralax, surgeon suggested the prunes & prune juice as a way to "go" , take extra fiber & flax seeds too already - NOTE all of these together help me to potty about every 4-5 days a fairly soft stool & always very BIG, rest of the days I'm gassy but no urge to potty, drink 80 to 100 oz water a day too...The bathroom is not my friend...But I'm always looking for a better solution for the "going" problem...
Did think about reducing my coffee to one a day, but one I add protein powder to so it really does not have a true coffee feel, so I always grab a cup on the real tasting one with a nice sf creamer & syrup to sweet it up a little

Alesia : start 249 / surgeon's goal 138 / current 142
BTW: what I read is that the way the prunes work is due to fiber and... Sugar alcohol (sorbitol) .... just saying...
I can't touch the prunes and prune juice most likely may kill me (dumping and severe RH).
Before RNY - when I was younger I had severe issue with BM, or lack of it - mostly mental. Never could go when I travel, or when not at home... or when I think someone may hear me, or just because. Add some pain pills - and I would be stuck for days. Horrible.
I discover enemas - high enemas (google that). And holding coffee enemas for detox, and colonix, and etc. etc. Eventually I trained my colon to go as I need it to go. It took years. But even now , and with all that I know and take - I still need to take enema bag with me when I travel. I get - feel really sick if I do not go for 36 - 48 hr. So now - if that happens - I do couple of enemas and I am back to normal.
But with all - you need to do what you know works for you and do not make you sick.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I make sure I get enough magnesium, fiber and fat. And water.
I take magnesium with calcium. I take 1:2 ratio magnesium to calcium. So for every 500 mg of calcium - I take 250 mg of magnesium - typically - mag citrate.
Then every evening I take additional 800 mg mag oxide. (capsules - easy to take) . the evening magnesium not only works wonder on the BM but also relaxes me and I sleep like a baby. So I do need to make sure I take it just before bed. I did fall asleep on my sofa a few times. So I learn my lesson.
Beside that - I do try to eat 1 -2 oz (volume) or sunflower seeds or peanuts. They add bulk and fat. Enough water is a must. The magnesium - any extra ends up in the colon - small intestine and pulls in water. If you do not have the water - that may not work. I do drink 60-80 oz of water per day.
In worse cases _ also use Vit C - ascorbic acid - 2-3-4 K at once. (I add Emergen-C powder to my drinks) The acidic Vit C will cause flashing: BM. Same like magnesium - pulls water into the colon. Fiber is a must. I use a lot of flax meal, chia sees, etc. But fiber - if not enough water is used or not enough water is pull into the colon - will have the opposite effect - cause horrible constipation. So when adding fiber - make sure you have good loose BM before you can add fiber. Or you may end up with blockage.
I do eat flat-out wraps - probably 1/2 of one daily. (or one every 2 days)
And since I am a dumper - any sugar may cause lose BM... but I hate to do that - since that also will cause pain, gas ... and possible RH.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."