Back On Track Together
My Mind Is BAFFELED!! help
I know there are no magic words...just as there is no magic pill to loosing weight...I will begin to gain if I don't get help.... Just when I think I will do the low carb diet.." back on track" I hear of my friends / family doing so well on weigh****chers...and I thought ...I CAN DO THAT TOO being I CAN EAT ANYTHING with out getting " too sick" I will just stick to higher protein and still count my points to stay on track...but no ...i am a screw up... I cant stop eating...and I eat TOO MUCH.... I have stretched out my least to 2 cups...but u know i noticed i can eat a little protein and be satisfied...but I wont stop there...... I have said all this to say ...does anyone know of any resources I can turn to??
A few resources I can think of would be Overeaters Anonymous or seeing a therapist. If those aren't an option, try journaling about how you feel when you eat these things, write about how you are feeling before you eat it and how it makes you feel after wards, maybe you will see a trigger or pattern as to why you want to eat it, are you bored, nervous, stressed out, etc. Journal what you eat every day, sometimes it's harder for us to eat things we shouldn't if we know we have to write it down and see it staring back from the page at us.
I find if I view it as "messing up" I give myself free license to eat like that the rest of the day, so just pick yourself back up and promise to make better choices. Sometimes the struggle to make better choices doesn't have to be day to day, it can be hour to hour or minute to minute. I have seen lots of people on OH also that have had lots of success with WW, I try to shoot for less than 100 carbs and over 100 protein. Do I always meet this goal, heck no, but I do most days and I'm okay with that.
Are you exercising on a regular basis? I have found with daily exercise, especially yoga, I tend to eat less and feel bloated & nauseous when I eat sugary or greasy foods.
Keep coming back here, keep asking for support, keep posting, we are all here to help each other, best of luck to you!
Thanks so much Jen !! I need to find the commitment I had in the beginning .... The " I will do anything not to be this miserable" (being over weight 400lbs) I find my self miserable for different reasons. I heard something on TV last night while laying in my bed with my 19month old ...we were watching Zumba...and there was a woman there who made the comment
" i found my self punishing myself with food !!" could this be ME....there is something much deeper...and I need to get to the bottom of it. YOU are the first person who EVER said ....KEEP coming HERE for support...I NEED SUPPORT**WE ALL DO** thank you ...from the bottom to the top of my heart...

Kim be kind to yourself. It is a choice to live the bst we can and not beat ourself off for not doing all we want.
Eating is a tool many of us have used to cover pain and distress. Now we need to find new tools to do this. You will most likely not find the commitment you find at the beginning but now you just need to find a daily pace of life.
Get in touch with what you feel. It is ok not to be happy all the time. When we try to hide our feelings we struggle in other areas.
Keep coming back and sharing. You can do this. It is just making one choice at at time.
it has to start with me showing them leading by example...that is what they learn...
your reply touched me ...thank you

I have heard great things about Overeaters Anonymous and I know taht there are counsleors/therapists who specialize in food addictions. These might be good resources and choices to consider.
We all struggle and make mistakes. Acknowledging that I am not perfect and that I can start over after a mistake and keep working on it helps me a lot. I do have to also realize that if I keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result over and over, then I have to be the one to make a change in order to get a different result.
I agree with Jennifer. Please keep coming here for support. Instead of posting your eats, you might want to start with I had a great breakfast, I am working toward a better day today. Sometimes, it is not so much what you post as it is just making your presents know. I love this group. We are not judgemental and we are all here to help each other and ourselves.