Back On Track Together
5 weeks until Turkey Day. How are we doing?
We have 5 weeks before our first Holiday challenge. How is it going? Are you slowing getting back to the basics and rules? Are you moving a little more to burn more. How is it going with the carb monster?
Let us know how you are doing and maybe others can help add some suggestions. I am doing this cleanse plan to help with me get off carbs. They have been nipping at my heals the last few weeks and this worked for me before.
*No alcohol
*No artificial sweetener
*Only water, tea, and coffee. You can have low fat creamer. You can flavor water with lemon.
*Veggies include: broccoli, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini and yellow squash.
Breakfast Picks:
-1/2 cup egg beaters with 1 cup veggies
- ½ cup skim milk/1 cup ice/ ½ cup berries mixed into a smoothie (berries can be strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or mixed)
-½ cup oatmeal, 1tbs slivered almonds/1 banana
Snacks (2 a day)
-1 cup lowfat yogurt
-14 almonds
-2 rice cakes with 1tbs of peanut butter
-1 piece of turkey rolled in lettuce with mustard
-string cheese (low fat)
-2 cups lettuce/ 4 oz of lean meat/ 1 cup of veggies tossed with vinaigrette
-whole wheat wrap with lettuce, mustard, and 4 oz of lean meat
-6 oz of any lean meat
You can use salmon, beef, pork, or chicken as long as it is lean.
You have to have protein and the veggies
-2 cups of steamed veggies
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Food wise I am doing really well. I don't believe I can improve on anything that I am eating at the moment. Since accepting this challenge I added an extra 45 minute walk onto my regular program. The results for the first two weeks was a six pound lost. I maintained the third week. I think I am going to add a little more onto my afternoon walk, probably a 15 minute addition. I think my key to my success so far, has been exercise and low carb. I know you said that you had lost your focus after the wedding, now you have to have a new focus for all the Christmas party get togethers. Think about who you will see that hasn't seen you in a while. That usually motivates me quickly. I hope you have continued good success and that everybody finds their mojo!
I see my PCP today for my yearly physical, and I know I have to get on her scale. I'm not looking forward to it. But it is also a necessary evil, if I am going to drop this 10 lbs (would like to before Christmas)....I need accountability!
What are your thoughts about doing the 5 day pouch test to get a jump start? I've had some say it works well for them and other say it's a waste of time and can throw the body/metabolism out of whack. I just need to get back to that frame of mind that I had a year ago....FOCUSED on putting my health first.

So the goal is no going out for dinner and a drink this weekend, should be easy since I have the grandbabies all day Saturday and I have a feeling I will be completely worn out and ready for bed by the end of the day.