Back On Track Together
Just take me out back and shoot me!
UGH! Why is it we do the things we do? We know better! Yet we do it over and over and over again. What is that saying? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I AM INSANE 
Yesterday was a going great, it was so nice I decided to walk the dogs instead of going to the gym. Hello, I should have done both. Then I had my fish, veggies and sweet potatoe for dinner. Great right? Well I ended up grazing all night on bad things and didn't even realize it until 2 cookies later.
It hit me, 1.) I had not worked out enough to make up for my boo boo and 2.) had not eaten enough protein during the day. Smack me in the head, I KNOW these things.
ok ok done with my rant going to post my food and workouts, with more protein and more working out......

Yesterday was a going great, it was so nice I decided to walk the dogs instead of going to the gym. Hello, I should have done both. Then I had my fish, veggies and sweet potatoe for dinner. Great right? Well I ended up grazing all night on bad things and didn't even realize it until 2 cookies later.
It hit me, 1.) I had not worked out enough to make up for my boo boo and 2.) had not eaten enough protein during the day. Smack me in the head, I KNOW these things.
ok ok done with my rant going to post my food and workouts, with more protein and more working out......

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130