Back On Track Together
Someone kick me in the butt !
Ok, here's whats going on with me. I', almost 4years post op. I was at my personal goal of 151 lbs which was 111lbs lost. I was flying high and loving it. Now, I'm up 11 lbs and want to nip it in the bud! I think part of my problem is I'm not getting enough protein and liquids. I LOVE fruit and veggies and get too full on them. I do have a protein drink or CLICK every morning to at least start my day off in the right direction. My problem is picking during the day and eating when I'm not really hungry and can't get motivated to go to the gym. I get up with good intentions but see too many things that I need to do around the house....I need to MAKE time for me and follow through. OK got that off my chest, now gotta get those 11 lbs off before they turn into 20 lbs !

Ok Mary, you and I are in the same boat. I want to loose 10 pounds too and I'll be 4 years out in March. So maybe we can put our heads together.
* I like to start my day with a protein shake too. We're on the right track with that.
*I like to pick too. I keep a container of soy nuts on my desk and graze on those during the day. Kathy S. suggested cubing up some chicken and graze on that too.
*Cabbage Soup, remmeber the cabbage soup diet from years ago? That is actually quite good. I'm going to make a pot of that this week and graze on that at night. It's filling and has lots of veggies and is good for us.
*Go right from work to the gym. DO NOT go home first or I will never get there.
*Gym motivator #1: Is that I take all my showers there. I live paycheck to paycheck - (some weeks barely) so I like to use their ho****er, shampoo and conditioner. Anything I can do to save I will.
*Gym motivator #2: Buy a nice outfit to strut your stuff while working out. Think of the gym as a giant runway.
Ok, bring on another Monday, cuz we're READY!
* I like to start my day with a protein shake too. We're on the right track with that.
*I like to pick too. I keep a container of soy nuts on my desk and graze on those during the day. Kathy S. suggested cubing up some chicken and graze on that too.
*Cabbage Soup, remmeber the cabbage soup diet from years ago? That is actually quite good. I'm going to make a pot of that this week and graze on that at night. It's filling and has lots of veggies and is good for us.
*Go right from work to the gym. DO NOT go home first or I will never get there.
*Gym motivator #1: Is that I take all my showers there. I live paycheck to paycheck - (some weeks barely) so I like to use their ho****er, shampoo and conditioner. Anything I can do to save I will.
*Gym motivator #2: Buy a nice outfit to strut your stuff while working out. Think of the gym as a giant runway.
Ok, bring on another Monday, cuz we're READY!
So I'm not the only one! One reason I am faithful to my swims at the Y is that I can shower and shampoo there in a walk-in stall. Except for special ocassions, that shower at home is a double whammy - means I wasn't at the Y and I'm using oil. 
Cabbage soup - I'm not a cabbage fan. Perhaps I should give it another try.

Cabbage soup - I'm not a cabbage fan. Perhaps I should give it another try.
Kathy, Love the picture !
Rich, I does sound like we're in the same boat !
Monday morning, had my protein drink about 7am. I just LOVE the new Chocolite protein, I get it from I don't work so today I rode my daughter to school and went straight to the gym. I only walked 1 mile on treadmill and 2 miles on bike. I didn't want to push myself since I'm just getting back in the swing of things. I did pull out one of my "cute" outfits from when I wnet to the gym religiously 3-4 time a week. I was starving when I left the gym. I guess the protein did't stick with me.Back home and I'm having a cup of coffee to hold me until I have lunch. I'm in an egg mood so I may have that for lunch.
I do help a friend out with her new baby and 18 month old for 5 hours on Tuesday and Thursdays. On those days I don't do any picking during those hours which is good. Almost halfway through the day and have been good.............I CAN DO THIS !
Rich, I does sound like we're in the same boat !
Monday morning, had my protein drink about 7am. I just LOVE the new Chocolite protein, I get it from I don't work so today I rode my daughter to school and went straight to the gym. I only walked 1 mile on treadmill and 2 miles on bike. I didn't want to push myself since I'm just getting back in the swing of things. I did pull out one of my "cute" outfits from when I wnet to the gym religiously 3-4 time a week. I was starving when I left the gym. I guess the protein did't stick with me.Back home and I'm having a cup of coffee to hold me until I have lunch. I'm in an egg mood so I may have that for lunch.
I do help a friend out with her new baby and 18 month old for 5 hours on Tuesday and Thursdays. On those days I don't do any picking during those hours which is good. Almost halfway through the day and have been good.............I CAN DO THIS !