Back On Track Together
No exercise on a rainy day
Food has been going well, the snacking is getting less. I am remembering all the goodies that helped me when I had my surgery. 
Apples with almond butter
SF Jello with fruit
SF Pudding
SF pops
Greek Yogurt/fruit/sf syrup Just to name a few.
Today it has been raining, dark and cold, more like a fall day than a pretty spring day. I had another convo with myself. I know, I know you think I need serious help
Angel: Let's get going, you need to get to the Y for a good workout
Devil: It's raining
Angel: I know I am over loaded with sugar from eating chocolate but I ain't going to melt
Devil: Your hair is going to frizz
Angel: Duh look in the mirror
Devil: It's cold
Angel: Wear sweats
As this is going on in my head, I am putting on my shoes, workout clothes and getting my gym bag...
blah blah blah blah devil.....I beat ya and headed to the gym. Had a good workout and now have to face my first weekend challagne
Stay tuned

Apples with almond butter
SF Jello with fruit
SF Pudding
SF pops
Greek Yogurt/fruit/sf syrup Just to name a few.
Today it has been raining, dark and cold, more like a fall day than a pretty spring day. I had another convo with myself. I know, I know you think I need serious help

Angel: Let's get going, you need to get to the Y for a good workout
Devil: It's raining
Angel: I know I am over loaded with sugar from eating chocolate but I ain't going to melt
Devil: Your hair is going to frizz
Angel: Duh look in the mirror
Devil: It's cold
Angel: Wear sweats
As this is going on in my head, I am putting on my shoes, workout clothes and getting my gym bag...
blah blah blah blah devil.....I beat ya and headed to the gym. Had a good workout and now have to face my first weekend challagne

Stay tuned