Back On Track Together

Yep that is me when I have a bad day, I get mad, then stressed and last but not least puke. Now back in the day when I was in shape I would just work out and beat the **** out of a punching bag.
I had a very bad day family wise and work wise. Ok, Ok, it's only been 2 freakin days what do you expect? I KNOW what to do, I just have to REMEMBER to do it

I had eaten well for Breakfast, and lunch. Got off work, had my gym shoes on, and said forget it. (well didn't say it that way) Barked at my husband to get a pizza. Wens had become our pizza night. Sat my ass (that is taking me to court for abuse when I do exercise) down in my chair for a night of feel bad for me.... PITY PARTY


Ok, I am working through the "old stress eating" . Today is going to be a better day

Hang in there, honey, you'll get through this - just focus on doing well the rest of the day and tomorrow will start anew!!
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this - AND SO CAN YOU!!

I am not laughing at you I am laughing with you. YEP, we have to be related.... There was a cadbury egg I had bought for my son and I ate the chocolate, not the sticky center once, and I love the onion and green chives dip with chips.
I find if I include a protein snack in the afternoon it helps with the cravings.... LIke a heard boiled egg or cottage cheese with SF cinnamon Syrup. That stuff is yummy!
GET READY my first weekend is coming

Talk to ya tomorrow !!!

Hang in there!
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this - AND SO CAN YOU!!
Keep on BOTTing!
Good morning...I hope things went better last night. I don't think 1 piece of thin crust pizza is a problem and if your body hurts that badly it must have needed a day off. I think you are doing great!
For exercise I do 1/6th triathlons. It is easier than doing one exercise for 30 minutes. I jog/walk for 15 minutes (one mile), bike for 15 minutes (4 miles) and swim for 10 minutes 1/6 mile. I use all the muscle groups but nothing for too long that I hurt and all together it is 40 minutes. I walk/jog on an indoor track made from rubber. It is weight bearing to built up bone density without hurting my feet and joints. I don't think the elliptical is weight it? I know the bike and swim are not. Studies have shown that weight bearing exercise helps osteoporosis. We each find our own exercise that we fit into our lives. I know Deb does yoga which is impossible for me. I can't do the positions and my balance sucks. Some others walk their dogs but mine is 100 lbs. and I can't keep up with her. I also find concrete too hard to walk on for my feet. As long as we keep moving!
I hope you had a good day,
Just me
No, none of those are weight bearing and we Must do so to help with our bones. Nothing is going to replace working with weghts. I am doing cardio only for the first 2 weeks as that is what my body responds to. Just as it starts to get comfy BAM I will start my weight training....
Thank you for all the kind things you said, when I write those things I say it with a smile, I don't need a shrink yet, although I should have seen one before I put the weight on...oh well I will continue to have mulit personalities